Get Player's speed (if standing still or not)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dark navi, Jul 10, 2012.

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    dark navi

    I am having issues detaching if a player is standing still or not. Player.getVelocity() is returning some where results:
    Player Intereact Event X: -4.9E-324 Y: -0.0784000015258789 Z: -4.9E-324
    That is the velocity's X,Y, and Z that is outputting when I am both standing still and sprinting, which doesn't make much sense to me.

    Ultimately, I am trying to detect if a player is standing still AND sprinting to try and combat auto-sprinting clients. Any ideas?
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    dark navi
    Getting the velocity returns all the components of the vector. You want the magnitude so you have to call player.getVelocity().length() to get the speed. Still, I don't think doing that is a good idea because there's barely a difference between the lengths for running and walking. Instead, you should schedule a delayed task to compare the player's location and see if it has changed. Then if it hasn't, then check if they are sprinting.
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    dark navi

    Would scheduling this as a task every tick be a server hog?
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    dark navi
    Yes but the server should handle that just fine. The question is whether that will be enough time for the player to move a significant amount for it to register as a location change. I recommend setting it to 3 ticks and use getX() instead of getBlockX() for more precision.
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