Geopolitic plugin idea

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by RushCuttle, Oct 29, 2015.

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    I might be doing an already suggested idea, and minecraft may dont have the resource to get this plugin with out moddifications (mods).
    Plugin type: Systeam, game mode, town.

    Plugin Name: Diplomatics
    My idea is make an map mode division like EU4 and VICTORIA, map modes for your country, make your country tab (should be implemented an GUI, i dont know if this is possible in minecraft). To develop your mind and your game experience with an alternative gamemode.<--- main idea

    *All players will spawn with maps*
    1: map modes, trading goods
    2: PVP/PVE control, with alliances and WAR declarations
    3: Diplomatic points (to claim stuffs from other countries and colonize wasteland, 5K/2K blocks)
    4: An support and optimization for market plugins
    5: Claim chunk or make an systeam that you can only claim 10k or 5k block that are in your neighborhood
    6: Skills tab

    - /createcountry
    -/mapview - will give you a map with your current claimed territories
    -/creattag - that will appear in the map
    -/setcapital - set your capital
    -/setreligion - main religion that will affect in your relations
    -/alliance board - an GUI with your alliances
    -/rival board - an GUI with your rivals (bad relations)
    -/decleare war - an intimation for war (active PVP mode for battles against your enemies).
    -/declare threaty - an GUI with your demands or your enemie demands
    -/accept peace - will accept an war offer
    -/accept offer - it is for trade offers, to give territory or an marrige
    -/countrygiveloan - gives an amount of money for other country, if they have money to pay you, they will automaticly pay
    -/countrybank - GUI with your country´s money
    -/claimterritory - claim an territory 150X150
    -/coreterritory - for towny
    -/createtown - an start city
    -/settownname - change your towns name
    -/coreterritory - same as claim but is more strong (claimed territories will dissapear)

    Infos about it
    - towns can be attacked with an war declaration
    - Economy systeam needed
    - to became an country you will need 10k

    - an map GUI (to pint the name and the frontiers of the countries and towns
    - an economic system ( there is a lot of plugins with this title
    - an antiPVP systeam (like towny plugin)
    - an PVP systeam

    PvP systeam suggested:

    - Only war declared enemies can rape and grief ( they can explode walls but they can remove with pick axe).
    - PvE is on all the time, if you are not added in an town you can be morded or killed other
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
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