Inactive [GEN] Essentials v2.1 [?]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Zenexer, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    Hmm, in the update Essentials now seems to override MyWarp and MyHome....
  4. Offline


    Nice, works like a charm
  5. Offline


    Apologies, I missed that.

    Works fantastically, thank you.
  6. Broke /home and /msg in the last update with 134.
  7. Offline


    how would one disable warps as it is now taking precedence over the MyWarp plugin.

    Edit: oh piss, I need to read above lol
  8. Offline


    Fixed /msg in Essentials 134; updated to 136 (135 was shortlived and just had some minor cleanup changes).
  9. Offline


    For some reason give doesnt work. I cant give myself anything, i've tried the hex code, the item code, and the name of the item, and it doesnt work at all. No error code either. Anyone know why?
  10. Offline


    - /me displays only one word (so /me blah blah, results in /me blah)
    - /mail issues an in-game "Error: 2" message (/mail send <user> hi)
  11. Offline


    /kickall seems to only kick the person who typed the command, but only if other people are in the server. If you are alone it gives you a you are alone notice.
  12. 133 seems to be the most stable - I would look more intensively into what Essentials did from 133->134
  13. Offline


    See Zenexer this is WHY I forked it!, and yes it was possible to remove the commands from plugins.ymal file I wast told by one of you assistents to do this if I felt like removing a command, Due to nature of how your disable works it is not a complete disable and so it still conflicts with other plugins using the SAME commands, for instanace Mywarp and Spawcontrol, I typed warp and spawn even with them disabled I got what the above dude got.

    After I forked it No more issue.

    Ementalo told me to do it no Post 1826

    and again on This Post

  14. Offline


    can you upload 133? ive overwritten mine with the new one which basically breaks all other plugins XD
  15. Offline


    Just tested newest Essentials v136 with Craftbukkit 210 results as follows: covering the points here and the problems in the past:

    /tree works fine
    /bigtree works fine
    /time broke gets error in console---reporting bug
    /msg works fine
    /me hello how are you works fine
    /g chill1977 41 gave me 64 gold blocks
    /i 41 gave me 64 gold blocks
    /kickall for reboot returned only you online (I was)
  16. Offline


    Anyone with commands that don't work I will be happy to fork it for your specific needs IE remove conficting commands for you if you don't know how to un zip the .jar and modify the plugin.ymal file, Then re add your modified file back into the .jar

    Due to how bukkit uses commands now it is recommended until a better has been achived to manually modify this to fix it.


    Emetalo on This Post
  17. Offline


    B136 is still overriding MyHome (/home) with a red Echo, this is bad.
  18. Offline


    See my above post.
  19. Offline


    Open the Essentials.jar with winzip or winrar and go to the plugin.yml. Open it and delete the commands are you dont want to use, then close the file. It will ask you want the file change in the zip/rar, simply say yes. Done, no more conflict.
    ledhead900 likes this.
  20. Offline


    /ban Playername
    kicks you from the server with the reason "Playername"
    /banip Playername
    works though
    unbanning didn't work
  21. Offline


    maybe they kicked you from the server for trying to ban them lol, I will check it out.
  22. Offline


    im on my own server where i am admin ^^
  23. Offline


    Can someone help me...
    Can I convert MyWarp and MyHome to this system, I don't want to lose my warps :p
  24. Offline


    Not that I know of, only bad side to switching to this plugin.
  25. Offline


    Can I disable the warp / home system for this plugin?
  26. Offline


  27. I am having the same problem
  28. Offline


    Please submit bug report through the link provided in the OP
  29. Submitted an issue.
    Bug ID: 59
  30. Offline


    I would also like 133 again, because I didn't notice any errors in our daily usage. The newer builds have broken the help menus, disable system, and a bunch more...could someone please upload v133 if they still have it?
  31. Offline


    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    There you go.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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