Future server owner in a dilemma, need some help.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by EgyptianKing, Oct 19, 2014.

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    Hey should I wait for the dmca to be removed to make a server or go on ahead and make a 1.7.10 server? All the drama about bukkit going to shit is all over, i'm assuming. So I don't see me waiting for Sponge or any other alternative, or should I? I actually see Bukkit going in a positive direction as members of Curse and maybe even Microsoft might work on it. I don't really know what's going on, I just need some guidance.

    Off topic, does anyone know how long it took Bukkit to be made?
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    If you really want a Minecraft server and you like using Bukkit plugins, then you might as well go ahead and make a 1.7.10 server now (provided you have access to a CraftBukkit.jar file to run it with, as you won't be able to download one).

    I wouldn't wait on the DMCA; just go into it knowing that there may not be a 1.8 CraftBukkit update and you might need to switch to other software in the future. This in-between versions time will give you good practice at server maintenance and let you get a feel for what it's like to run things. Plus you can slowly start building a playerbase, since there are still people who play on 1.7.x servers.

    Or, you could try making a 1.8 server using one of the alternatives that has functioning parts already running. You won't have as many plugin options as you would with a 1.7.10 Bukkit server, but you would be one of the early servers offering players a 1.8 experience. Going this route would probably take more troubleshooting on your part though, since the software is new and still being worked on.
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    Curse is NOT working on Bukkit, they are just here to keep the forums and community alive. When and how the DCMA is removed is up to Mojang/Microsoft. The takedown request was made with the reason of MC's source code not being Open Source, Bukkit's licence requires it to be so. I don't see the DCMA request being removed soon as making MC open source is something that Mojang doesn't want.
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