[FUN] FactionRadio - Internet music on faction land. No spout needed.

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by palisade, Mar 14, 2012.


I can haz plz?

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    This plugin submission has moved to:


    I have resubmitted my plugin for consideration. I had removed it due to heckling by certain users on this forum who claimed I was only submitting it to drive up traffic on my server. However, I had a change of heart and decided to go ahead with my plan of releasing it because I want people to be able to enjoy music in Minecraft the way I've been enjoying it. It really adds an amazing ambiance to your world when you can walk between areas and hear different music play.

    I have since added support for building antenna in the wilderness using iron blocks for music playback without Factions. Though, it is currently be saved in RAM, so I need to store those stations to a YML. Though, I'll probably store them in a separate one than the normal config.yml. I might have one YML for factions, one for Wilderness and then the main config for settings, is my thought process. Right now I'm just stashing everything in the main one and that could get messy if you have hundreds of stations mixed with settings.
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    Be great if you could integrate this with signs.... then a player with the right permissions could place a sign and choose a station.

    Oh... hadn't realized that you would need a the entire URL.
    I was just thinking that using signs would allow non-Faction users the ability to use this plugin... But I see your point with the length of the URL.

    Maybe a player can define a block radius with the command /lockmusic <blockradius>
    When a player uses this command it will save the location and block radius to a config file.
    Also, include Block Radius limits for each permissions group in the config.
    This would make your plugin available to everybody.

    Anyways... its about time somebody did this!:p

    Ha! Thats a great idea!
    There is a plugin that uses towers to transmit messages and other players hold clocks to receive the message, but a radio tower would be cool.

    I know what you mean about users not using the plugins... this even happens to plugins they request!:rolleyes: I suspect my users would be the same as yours. I'd use it for the Spawn area or perhaps in an elevator shaft haha.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    Please read that and format appropriately.
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    How about using iron bars... they look kinda antenna-ish.:p
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016

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