DiamondsTop- The DiamondsTop Plugin: Version: v1.1 This plugin records the players when they find diamonds. Features: * When you found a diamond ore, your are registred in a log to make a list of total diamonds found for all players. Commands: * /diamonds - Show list of all players. * /delete <name> - (OP only) Delete a player from the list. * /change <name> <ammount> - (OP only) Change the diamonds of one player. To do: * More options Download PayToBuild plugin * v1.0<Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> * v1.1 <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Donations Changelog: Version 1.0 * Initial version Version 1.1 * When a player place a diamond ore (with silk touch enchantment), the ammount of diamonds decrease, to avoid an infinite increase in the list of diamonds. Any help or comments? Thanks.
This is cool, I thought of something like this a few times, but I'm too tied up with other code, so I didn't bother. You may want to improve the looks of the house. Don't worry about having to type out each individual furnishing, write a small piece of code to copy and save a selection of blocks. That way you can build the house your plugin creates in minecraft.
Wacossusca34 if you ever think about doing something but were you busy for starters, to take my code and I do not care that develops from, no problem
[quote uid=90720323 name="Eljodiopapa" post=1339288]DiamondsTop- The DiamondsTop Plugin: Version: v1.0 This plugin records the players when they find diamonds. Features: * When you found a diamond ore, your are registred in a log to make a list of total diamonds found for all players. Commands: * /diamonds - Show list of all players. * /delete <name> - (OP only) Delete a player from the list. * /change <name> <ammount> - (OP only) Change the diamonds of one player. To do: * More options Download PayToBuild plugin * v1.0<Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Donations Changelog: Version 1.0 * Initial version Any help or comments? Thanks.[/quote] Heh, great idea it can help with finding cheaters=DDD
I'm afraid this plugin doesn't work. v1.1 lists the plugin as v1.0 in-game. Arguments would be preferred (/diamonds change <player> <number>). You can't change the number of diamonds one has mined using the /change command.