[FUN]Bring back minecraft!!!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by lezyamin, Nov 23, 2011.


Do you think this would be a good plugin?

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    I was thinking, and I finally thought of an idea, a plugin that disables ANY use of ANY of the 1.0 RPG features, as they, for me ruin the game. So this plugin could disable any use of enchantment, potions and maybe even sprinting, but could also have a node to enable each item, e.g; donators could start to make and sell potions, but not be able to enchant items, this would also mean disabling the creation of the new items such as cauldrons, enchantment tables, brewing stands, etc... If anyone thinks this is a good idea, please get back to me :)
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    DrAgonmoray and Sigmablade like this.
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  4. one word posts :O
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    Samkio, r3Fuze, cronikkk and 3 others like this.
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    I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the new Minecraft.... personally, I think Minecraft was perfect in 1.7.3, everything after that is just... crap.
  7. Offline


    Well, i like most of the new features, they're nice ^.^
    I don't like The End though, the entire idea is horrible...
  8. Offline


    Then don't use the features you don't want to. Don't forget minecraft was always intended to be a rpg so such features were inevitable.
    h31ix and r3Fuze like this.
  9. Offline


    The End = The Crap.
    And why the hell can I spawn a boss in the normal world -.-
  10. Offline


    I was thinking about doing this! I'll do it!
    Heres the list, it will all be in a configuration file, missing anything?
    • Remove the food bar?
    • Remove access to the end?
    • Remove sprinting?
    • Remove potions?
    • Remove enchanting?
    • Remove brewing?
    • Remove the new mobs?
    • Revert mob drops to 1.7.3 ones?
    • Disable access to new blocks?
    • Disable access to new items?
    • Revert uses of old items (ex. Ender Pearl)?
    • Disable breeding?
    • Not sure if I can stop "new" biomes from generating, I'll try.
    • Remove EXP and orbs?

    It was never meant to be an RPG, it was designed as a sandbox, and was meant to be one. Even the first few tests showed this.

    And what advice is "don't use them"? Really? You can't just ignore the new mobs, generators, biomes, exp, hunger, etc.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
    alngip, Kohle and cubeShaun like this.
  11. Offline


    Or even better don't update your client or server.. enough said
    r3Fuze likes this.
  12. Offline


    Again, horrible advice.
    Then you don't get all the bug fixes.
  13. Offline


    Do you remember the epic worlds of 1.7.3? that was awesome... and now? swamp-land and tundra...

    steaks4uce and Kohle like this.
  14. Offline


    Bugs what bug I do not have a clue what your talking about *cough*
    steaks4uce likes this.
  15. Offline


    I think the general idea is great, but the way they did it is crap. it's ugly, badly planned, and really doesn't work well.
    steaks4uce, Torrent and ThatBox like this.
  16. Offline


    Minecraft Alpha / Early Beta was the time I had most fun with the game. Kinda went downhill after April time for me. Just sayin'
  17. Offline


    Personally, I think the game's really improved. But the most fun was back then for me too. I don't think it's as much fun because a lot of the fun of a game is being a newb. You discover new things. and you always get a great feeling when you find diamonds. :)
    Torrent likes this.
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    If you do that, I will do something for you. What, I don't know. But I will do something...
  19. Offline


    Woah man, I'm getting a lot of likes here.

    I must be wittier than I thought!
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    Samkio, thehutch and DrAgonmoray like this.
  21. Offline


    @Torrent instead of posting trolling gifs you could finish your plugin tutorial on youtube :D:D:D
  22. Offline


    come on, someone like it :D
    thehutch likes this.
  23. Offline


    Thats a nice like you have there... ssssssss
    DrAgonmoray likes this.
  24. Offline


    @thehutch I do plan on finishing those haha!

    Back on topic: I think this would entail a lot of work for a developer who doesn't share the same views as you on the current state of Minecraft. (I say state as the way it is, not to say its a mess).
    Samkio likes this.
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    It was the quickest source I can find, although it has been hinted at in interviews over the past couple of years.

    There is a 1.7.3 wgen plugin out there. Removing certain mob types is also trivial, there are most likely some plugins out there that does it.
  28. Offline


    yeah because everyone knows EVERYTHING they're gonna put into their game, before they've even really begun.
    I mean seriously, he didn't even know how crafting would work! He's not some kind of phsycic.
  29. Offline


    Still, you can't pull something like that out to prove to someone he was adding it.
    It's like saying you killed someone, and then the proof you supplied showed you didn't.
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    Samkio likes this.

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