Inactive [FUN] BCMusic v3.2- Custom Music w/ Spout [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by IC3D, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Offline


    BCMusic: A custom music plugin w/ BukkitContrib Spout
    Version: 3.2
    This is a super simple plugin. It is an easy to configure music plugin that takes advantage of BukkitContrib to play music, either only hearable by the player or globally playing the music. This one is all in the configuration, so click that spoiler down there :)

    • Play custom music!
    • Play custom music through jukeboxes (volume varies by distance just like regular ones)!
    • Permissions support!
    config (open)

    The default configuration looks like this:
            Node: BCM.tothaface
            GlobalNode: BCM.Global.tothaface
            URL: http://url here
            Node: BCM.nodehere
            URL: http://url here
    To add a song, add a name you want (in lowercase) like tothaface. Then add the node, global node, and song url (it must be on the internet, and .ogg, .wav, or .mid). The commands do the rest.

    commands (open)

    There is only one command, but the arguments decide what music to play. The syntax looks like this:
    /bcm <song> <global>
    Replace song with a name of a song that you set in the config, for example, tothaface. You can just type /bcm tothaface to hear the song yourself. Or, if you have the global node, you can type /bcm tothaface global, which will play the song for all players on the server with Spout installed

    jukeboxes (open)

            Node: BCM.nodehere
            URL: http://url here
    After you put an actual music file URL in the config, you can use it like a regular jukebox. Just place a jukebox, and right click it with the item defined in the config (default iron_ingot). The song will play like a regular jukebox song, and volume will vary by distance. When you left click the jukebox your item is returned.

    The source code is included in the .jar

    Version 3.2
    • Added /bcm list to show all available songs.
    Version 3.1
    • Changed "You don't have BukkitContrib installed" to Spout. (I forgot)
    Version 3.0
    • Updated to Spout, left the name the same for simplicity's sake
    Version 2.0
    • Added jukeboxes
    Version 1.0
    • Official Release
  2. Offline


    This is very nice, -snip- forgot to read a spoiler haha.

    Very nice, but does it support .mp3?
  3. Offline


    Nope, you are going to have to ask Afforess about that. This is just accesses BukkitContrib's api using commands and config, I had nothing to do with the coding of music stuff.
  4. Offline


    Nope, because I have yet to find any working MP3 decoding codecs for OpenAL. Ogg is better than MP3 anyway.
    jonahverner, woodzy and Orcem12 like this.
  5. Offline


    "Ogg is better than MP3 anyway." Oo ain't that the truth, if I could convert all my music to Ogg I would.

    @Afforess I'm close to decoding MP3 format, I'm trying to do it for the AhMIDI project I took up, If I find out I could help with other formats.
  6. Offline


    This is really cool!!!!
  7. Offline


    Thank Afforess :)
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Hmm, your dropbox link looks different.. Did you go to, sign in, and click copy public link?
  10. Offline


    Yep your right the correct link is, i copied the wrong link. Let me try again.
    Edit: Working now
    Problem: Couldn't play custom song
    Solution: my drop box link was incorrect go to your public folder and click the copy public link, that address is what is needed to be used.

    Also as a request can you have a /stop feature?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  11. Offline


    Nope, it isn't available in the BukkitContrib API atm
  12. Offline


    Darn, well thank you for the quick reply's i appreciate it!
  13. Offline


    What is the issue if a song starts and you hear the first split-second but then it just stops?

    Also after some songs we all start hearing a scratching noice that won't stop unless we close Minecraft.
  14. Offline


    Not my problem, as Afforess
  15. Offline


    Excellent plugin. Would be awesome if other plugins hooked into this for additional sound effects and perhaps area based music for things like inns and stuff.
  16. Offline


    Wow. you should be posting that on the BukkitContrib thread, thats what it does. This is just a command and config way to play music, as BukkitContrib is purely an API
  17. Offline


    Minecraft uses a customized front end for OpenAL. You can find the java docs for the codec interface you would need to implement:

    The code for it is all available, unobfuscated too, which makes life easier.

    For the moment, you could play a 0.0 second empty audio file. I'll add a way to stop audio in the next release of BukkitContrib.
  18. Offline


    @Afforess I looked all around the internet for somethng like that, thank you very much, this wil help me with a request made for AhMIDI
  19. Offline


    I am able to get Tothaface.ogg to play, but I cannot get my song. It was originally an MP3, but I converted it to .ogg and .wav but it still didn't work. It would download, however, it would not make any sound. Can we not convert? Do they have to be .ogg/.wav/.midi originally?
            Node: BCM.beatz
            GlobalNode: BCM.Global.beatz
            URL: [URL][/URL]
    Note: This song does play for me even after the conversion, just not in Minecraft.
  20. Offline


    I'll test that song and let you know
  21. Offline


    why is the file you are trying to read in midi format? the url says.mid on it, shouldn't it be .ogg?
  22. Offline


    My bad, I created a misconception. I tried it in .ogg and it still didn't work so I changed it to .mid and had no results.
  23. Offline


    It is supposed to support .mid as well, but it didn't work for me so I would say it is the song.
  24. Offline


    ok, I tried a song in .mid and it did not work, did not play, but no errors. I convert the song to .ogg and it works perfectly, so I really think the .mid support is not working.
  25. Offline


    I did test midi support, with this file and it played fine:
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    hmm, that's strange, it does work, I wonder why mine didn't.
  28. Offline


    Hey do you need the Client mod to log in? I havnt really looked to much at BukkitContrib before so I dont know Because I really want to let people download this if they want and not have it affect the game.
  29. Offline


    You don't need it to log in as far as I know, but if I accidentally did make it that way I can fix it easily.
  30. Offline


    Oh ok so you dont need the client mod to log in. :p did 30 secs of reading and got that looks awesome btw and im downloading right now :D

    Edit: lol nvm im stupid I didn't have my music volume up lol.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016

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