[FORMATTED] World Selector

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by siriswag, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Worlds?

    Suggested Name: WorldSelector

    A Bit About Me: I run a minecraft server that is just starting out but we have 150 player slots. We are going to have many worlds. I dont like the idea of portals that much.

    What I want: A plugin that when you join, (by a command), an inventory pulls up and has 9 item slots (the hot bar in the inventory basically) When you mouse over each item they each have a different world name. Click one to teleport to that world.

    Ideas for Commands: be able to set it in the config please :) or just use /mc

    Ideas for Permissions: Just to be able to click the items and use the command but being unable to move the item out of the inventory or moving it

    When I'd like it: ASAP, as we are planning our big server opening soon.


    Don't mind the name its an inside joke. (not a hipster)
  2. Offline


    Is there still a desire for this? I was trolling this section and decided this was a great idea after seeing it on another server and the developers told me to bugger off when I asked how it was done. My progress so far:

    world selection:


    If you want this uploaded then let me know, otherwise i'll release it with my upcoming pack.
    By the way, any feature requests?
    • Permissions for worlds
    • world limit lift (currently 27)

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