[FORMATTED] Turn / Commands to Permission Nodes (willing to pay)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mrcheesete0, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Admin Tools

    Suggested Name: Commands to Permissions

    A Bit About Me: I am the owner of a server with ~30 active users with OpenInv, WorldInventories, PlgWarp, WorldEdit, Multiverse-Core, DispenserButton, Deadbolt, DisableTNT, DroxPerms, GravelClay, GriefPrevention, jEnchant, RepairChest, Multiverse-Portals, DeadMansChest, LWC, dynmap, and MonsterBox plugins installed on it.

    What I Want: A plugin that allows you to add permission nodes to people with a prefix of something like c2p. with anything after the dot being the text of a command. so if I were to give someone a permission node c2p.toggledownfall they could use the /toggledownfall command, but that will hook into any plugin. So that if they have the c2p node, it will act as if they are op'd while using the command (as most plugins default all nodes to OPs). Basically, any way to allow my users to Buy access to commands like weather toggle and time toggle, so I can set a user to have a specific permission node, and they can use a command fro many plugin I have installed as a way to "sell" commands to generate income for server costs. Maybe make a config file where I would have to teach it all commands available on my server, and what permission nodes are required to use the command, or leave the permission node blank for commands that default to OP, and make a simple node that I can add to users on a command by command basis.

    Ideas for Commands: none, as I can only think ti would either be comandless, or all configured in a config.yml file in your FTP, if it was configurable by commands I think it would begin to get way too complicated.

    Ideas for Permissions: endless obviously

    Willing to Pay: up to $10, in about a week (I have money irl I just have to deposit it in my bank so I can paypal it)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever is convenient

    anybody at all

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  2. Offline


    I recommend rewriting your What I Want section, because I don't understand it.
    Maybe you could give another example?
  3. Offline


    Like if I have a plugin in my server that has like 5 different commands (lets go /op /gamemode /time /tp /toggledownfall) that all run off of one node (pretend there is an op.commands node), I want to be able to give players permission to use just ONE of the commands with a simple permission.

    SO I can give player BobJoe343 permission node commands.use.toggledownfall and when he type /toggledownfall the plugin will tell your server he has op.commands even though he does not, but when he goes to type /time set 300, the plugin (since he doesnt have commands.use.time) will not effect him and since he is not an OP, he can't use the command.

    Basically I wanted a way to cycle every command from my plugins through buycraft easily, so I could sell the use of like the OP TP command and so forth.

    And I also want it to have built-in expandability so I can add more commands/permissions to it as I add more plugins, using a config file it reads perhaps?

    Maybe if you worked it through whichever Essentials .jar allows the Moderator /sudo command?

    I mean that a round-about method.

    Make it so that if they type /time set day with command.time node it forces the console to /sudo <theirname> time set day?

    and then a config file in the plugins folder where I can make new permission nodes/commands so I can like add to the config
    node: command.ban
    command: /ban [player]
    result: /sudo %p ban [player]

    or soothing like that?

    Basically just a way to redirect commands would be stellar.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  4. Offline


    so I'm guessing nobody wants to try to tackle this?
  5. Offline


    One more try.

    A good example plugin would be http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/timedcommands/
    I basically want that but instead of it to be timer-based I want it to be command based.

    so the config would be setup like so

    Command(used by player): 'daytime'
    Command(Sent through console): 'time set 0'
    Permission: 'donator.daytime'

    So I can route the ability to do things like toggling weather and changing the time of day through BuyCraft Packages, without OPing the players.

    then when they pay a $2 buycraft link, the buycraft will send the command "/changeplayer addperm {player} donator.daytime" into my console, which using my permissions plugin will activate their permission for this command.

    Then from then on out, the PLAYER can type "/daytime" which will make the CONSOLE type "/time set 0" without having had OPed the player.

    (Yes I know, for this example, it would be easier to download a plugin (like say essentials) which makes new commands and permission does for every command, but I want to be able to use it for ALL of my plugins and their commands, so having a plugin that I can manually add new commands to myself would severly help)
  6. Offline


    Is this even possible or does just nobody want to do it?
  7. Offline


    I'll do it :D
    i will start today.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Got some way of method we can chat?

    //EDIT - I'm Always Updating it on my GitHub :D


    Not To Sure if you'd want a config for it, as the arg's can get in the way, as the config can't tell what arg's are needed, so i'll add the commands in the code, so you won't have to do anything, but permissions
  10. Offline


    @-_Husky_- Sure I am on skype currently.


    add me
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