Solved For loop issue

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by gban, Oct 7, 2018.

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  1. Offline


    Sorry for all the threads

    In my for loop

    List<String> bad = survive.getConfig().getStringList("messages.alert");
                        for (int x = 0; x < bad.size(); x++){
                            if (message.toString().toUpperCase().contains(bad.get(x).toUpperCase())){
                                for (Player staff : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
                                   if( staff.hasPermission("survive.messages")){
                                        staff.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "[Filtered] (" +ChatColor.GREEN + player.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RED + " -> " +ChatColor.GREEN +target.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RED + ") " + message.toString());
                                player.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "(To "+ ChatColor.RESET+target.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE+ ") "+ message.toString());
                                target.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "(From "+ ChatColor.RESET+player.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE+ ") "+ message.toString());
                                survive.getManager().recentlyMessaged.put(target, player);
                                player.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "(To "+ ChatColor.RESET+target.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE+ ") "+ message.toString());
                                target.sendMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "(From "+ ChatColor.RESET+player.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE+ ") "+ message.toString());
                                survive.getManager().recentlyMessaged.put(target, player);
    Whenever I type a word that isnt allowed it sends repeats the for loop for every message
    I just want one message and 1 filtered message not 4 messages

  2. Offline


    I probably can't seem to understand the scene correctly, but did you try to break the loop? Also, use Java 8 streams, they look cleaner and nicer (also use for each loops rather fori loops)

    Sent from my TRT-L21A using Tapatalk
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