[FIX/MECH] NoFloatingTrees v0.4.1 - Automatically Remove Floating Leaves [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Jacek, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Does this work with b1597?
    Will test.

    Edit: Works fine. Could you add a command to detect and purge floating trees worldwide that were chopped before the plugin was installed, so I could run it once to make sure there are no floating trees?
  2. Offline


    Sorry but that would be way too much for the server to do. As it is currently a lot of things are done fairly often to check every block in the entire world would kill the server .
  3. Offline


    It would only need to be run once, so it doesn't matter if the server would lag in the mean time. It shouldn't need a lot more resources than doing a dynmap full render.
  4. Offline


    It would need way more resources than a map render, there is a lot of stuff that is done fore every tree. I doubt it would even be able to process without crashing.
  5. Offline


    You probably know better than me, but even so there aren't trees everywhere, and you could probably skip most of the work by checking if the tree/construction is connected to the ground before doing all the other checks, since most trees, and tree-based constructions in general, are going to be connected to the ground. HD map renders also need a lot more resources than normal map renders, but both are limited by the render rate in the config file, which is probably the only thing that keeps the server usable in the meantime (though laggy). You could probably implement something similar.
    It's not a big deal if the server is unusable in the meantime either, I could just run it when there's little activity on the server.
    And if high load makes it crash there's something wrong with the way Minecraft is programmed. Which there might be, I don't know.
    Anyway, it's not that important. I just thought it would be easy to implement since most of the code is already there, just need to add chunk loading/unloading and a loop to iterate each chunk.

    More importantly, your detection mechanism could use some improvement - this plugin destroyed part of a construction on my server. Not really that surprising because the construction is made out of tree materials (logs, leaves, vines). However, if your plugin checked for a single width trunk with leaves on the top it would probably solve the problem since no human-built constructions are likely to be built exactly like a normal tree.
    The construction in question:
    I don't know exactly what part was destroyed but they said it wasn't a lot. The leafy parts that stick out resemble trees, but the trunks are different.
  6. Offline


    The shape of the tree is checked already although limiting to 1 block trucks is a good idea:)

    The is-that-a-tree check is always being improved, that is why LogBlock integration was added so that any damage could be undone.

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