Solved Fireball comet?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Qaez, Nov 29, 2013.

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    Hello guys,

    I have a question because I want to make kind of a comet like in this video:

    00:56 is the comet part

    I really love this!
    Can you please give an example?
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    It looks as though the blaze rod launches a fire charge, then creates a firework effect when the blaze rod collides with a block. This can be done by using the Player#launchProjectile() method, assigning metadata to the projectile, and listening to the ProjectileHitEvent and checking the metadata. If it contains a certain key/value pair, create a FireworkEffect at the projectile's location.
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    ShadyPotato thanks, but it also creates firework during the launch of the fireball, so how do I create that?
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    GreatMinerZ Yeah I know that and I use that, but thats not what I mean

    I mean the trail behind the fireball GreatMinerZ xTrollxDudex ShadyPotato

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    Did you edit the railgun code?
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    Windy Day

    Use something like this:
        Location location = player.getEyeLocation();
                      BlockIterator blocksToAdd = new BlockIterator(location, Y-offset Double, Distance);
                      Location blockToAdd;
                      while(blocksToAdd.hasNext()) {
                          blockToAdd =;
                          //shot fire work
    Or save the fired entity schedule a repeating task then ever second or so play a firework at its location which would kinda make a trail.
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    Wow thank you Windy Day I will try That! , xTrollxDudex. I did not understand that code really good

    Windy Day but what is the distance and what is the y-offset?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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    Qaez Use this in your code:

    1. int Distance = 25; //The distance it should travel
    2. int Y-offset = 3; //The Y-offset
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  12. Offline


    Qaez No problem :)
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