Fill command logging errors to the server console

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Randude14, May 25, 2020.

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    Running OS: Windows 10 x64
    Java: 1.8.0_252
    Bukkit version: 1.15.2-R1.0
    Plugins: Multiverse, Luckperms, Worledit, Lotteryplus, and personal plugin I use to backup my worlds to my google drive folder.

    So to keep it short, I'm using the fill command called by a command block to copy dispensers filled with fireworks from a discrete location automatically at night so that I do not have worry about running out of fireworks. It does this successfully in game with no issues but when it does so, on the server output it logs that the locations of the copied dispensers are barriers and that Bukkit is "attempting to fix them".


    I've tried deleting the chunks and replacing them, deleting the dispensers and placing them again at both the copied location and the origin location, and a plugin that supposedly represses those error messages but did not work for me.

    If anyone has a solution to my problem, I would greatly appreciate it.
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