Solved File creation not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ItsMas_, Jan 1, 2016.

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    This is the last step to completion of my plugin. I am making it so when a user get banned, it creates a file called <banned player's uuid>.yml
    In this file it should store the data about who banned, them, the reason, etc.

    The file is being created, but none of the data is being put in it. No errod appear in my code, in the console or in game.

    Here is my code (look around line 41 upwards):
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ItsMas_ For the next time, please paste your code between [code]<code here>[/code]
    You do realize that you never save the config?
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    Are you really going to create a new File everytime a player is banned? It can save a whole lot of memory if you just create one file and write in it every time you ban someone.
  4. He probably screenshots it to prevent others from copy / pasting his code.
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    The file that bukkit provides you isn't enough? It contains everything you want.
    Do you save it anywhere?
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