
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by adi0115, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. You can create a arena with /lms pos1 & /lms pos2 or with worldedit & commands, after that, when a staff member does a command, anyone in that arena is auto-added to FFALastManStanding and anyone who exists out of the arena, is counted as "dead" and they will no will longer be in FFALastManStanding, even if they returned to the arena, they will be not counted and whoever is the last to survive in the arena without dying, will get rewards by having a custom command runned in the console with {player} viarable.
    /lms create - creates a arena (only 1 arena support)
    /lms pos1 - selects the first pos of arena
    /lms pos2 - selects second pos of arena
    /lms start - starts the arena
    /lms reload - reloads the config
    lms.admin - permission to all commands above

    Extras: I would like the plugin for 1.8.8, I have a plugin that skips respawn screen, trowing that out there incase it will bug LMS, also I would like the messages, such as when arena is started and who won changeable in the config.
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