Solved Falling Block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Livid_C0ffee, Nov 30, 2013.

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    I want to make it so 5 people can join an arena defined by world edit, and 4 blocks above them is 3 layers of sand on top of wood. When the game starts, they are concealed inside a cobblestone box with the sand & wood above them. As the game starts, I want dispensers to shoot fireballs. My main issue is that I don't know how to make the game end after all players have died and announce who stayed alive the longest, and regeneration.
  2. Offline


    Put the players in a hashmap. Once they died remove them from the hashmap. Last player in the hashmap wins. If you are using an arenamanager you should have a method which allows you to get the current players in a arena. You can add potion effects to the players
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