Filled Fake Name Messenger

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by KAMKEEL, Apr 13, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Chat Related

    Minecraft version: 1.7.10-1.8

    Suggested name: FakeNameMessages

    What it does:

    FakeNameMessages is a plugin where the user can change their message name without affecting the normal /msg, /whisper or /tell. There is another fake message plugin, but it lacks the capabilities to /reply to them. I wish for this plugin to be integrated with EssentialsChat. So that if I fakemessage a player, it appears similar to EssentialsChat /msg. This will allow players to /reply to them, and I can use Essentials Social Spy to see the reply. This would be a good way of catching scammers, or setting up situations for bad players.

    The /reply does not need to send back to the user of /fm. It only serves as a way to give the person being message a reliability or agreeableness with the situation.

    Allowing Color Codes for SetNames in FakeMessages would also be very useful. Especially in role playing servers and gamemodes.

    To grasp a similar understanding, if a commandblock is set to /msg a user "test" then the user will receive this.

    [Console -> Me] test

    From this point on the user is able to reply to the console via /r where an OP or Admin with SocialSpy enabled is able to view. For a received person using /r this is what they see.

    [Me -> Console] reply

    Here is an example of how FakeMessage can work properly. /fakemessagename Notch.
    /fm [player] Hello, nice to meet you.

    The player would receive.

    [Notch -> Me] Hello, nice to meet you.

    And from there they can /r to reply to that message. I basically want to use this plugin to change the name console messages the user with in a single command. While allowing them to reply to CONSOLE (Not the User).

    • /fakemessage [player] [message] or /fm [player] [message]
    • /fakemessagename [setName] or /fmn [setName]
    • /fakemessage help
    • fm.* (All)
    • (MessageFake)
    • (ChangeName)
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    I'd love to attempt this, but I have a question, will the player that uses /r see that they sent a message to console, or will they see that they sent a message to the fake name?
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    The message will be sent back to console, so that the person with the fakename is able to change their name in between conversations between multiple players. It would be an ultimate admin setup tool to find out hackers or potential use of trolling.
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    Yeah I know the message would get sent to console, but the real question is whether the person will SEE that they sent a message to console, or should it appear as they sent a message to the fake name?
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    Read the thread, it would look like they're sending a message to the fake player.
    In Essentials format:

    [Notch -> me] Hello there.
    [me -> Notch] Hey Notch!
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    Similar to what ipodtouch0218 said. To the player the plugin will mask console as that fakename. As if they are replying to a named commandblock with that name.

    Like this

    /fmn Notch
    /fm [Player] Hello there.
    [Notch -> me] Hello there.

    This is how the /r should look to the returning player.
    /r Hey Notch!
    [me -> Notch] Hey Notch!
  7. Offline


    @KAMKEEL kewl. So far I've implemented the sending messages part, I'm working on the /r bit now.
  8. Offline


    That sounds great thanks for the help
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