Plugin Request Fake Blocks

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Solaris_88, Jan 28, 2015.

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    First off, I do not know if this is still/currently possible.
    I would like a plugin, where I can make it so players can walk through blocks. I will be using this to make a "Crawling" effect in certain areas.

    You do /fakeblock and right click the block that you would like to turn fake.

    /fakeblock (Turns a block fake) /realblock (Turns a block real again)

    fakeblock.create realblock.create

    I've already tried the few "FakeBlock" plugins that are out there. They either do not work or spam the console with errors (And also don't work)
    Like I said, I do not know if this is still possible.

    Thank you.
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    What does a fakeblock look like?
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    Like an actual block:p
    You place a regular block on the ground, type /fakeblock, right click the block and you can now walk through it.
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    @Solaris_88 I'm just gonna say that this would probably require packets. So your developer would have to know how to use packets. This is a little more advanced than your average plugin.
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    How difficult would it be?
    Would you be able to trick the block into thinking that it's falling sand or TNT? As those blocks can be walked through.
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    There was a plugin for this a while ago. However it was so resource consuming that noone could use it.
    Just so you get an idea of how horrible that would be

    e = n * 20
    where e represents the number of entities you would have being spawned and killed per second.
    n represents the amount of fakeblocks you have.
    The lag will grow severely as if it was a vine climbing up.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Solaris_88 Walking through a block is not possible, both client and server make collision calculations.
    I made BlockHider to make fake areas, link is in my signature, requires ProtocolLib.
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    @timtower When I type /HideRails hidearea {Material} I get an internal error. (Sorry if the log is kind of messy, I tested it on my test server and I have a lot of plugins on it)
    If I was to do this, and have only about 15 of those at the MAX, how much lag would this cause?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives.
    @Solaris_88 Don't know the specifics about lag.
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    @timtower Doesn't matter, that method doesn't seem to want to work on a server :p
    I'll keep trying new ways.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Solaris_88 That would probably be this one:
    • Changed Multi Block Change to using packed block ids
    • Changed Block Change to using packed block ids
    From version: 14w26c
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