*Failed to Bind to port*

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Bknapp24, Sep 24, 2011.

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    Hey guys I have recently been having problems with all the ip address and stuff like I have port forwarded 25565 many times already and I have first gone with my local ip and my friend couldn't connect and when I left the server ip blank he couldn't connect. But when in server properties when I try using my external ip adress I type it in and hit save but everytime I bring up the Start.bat it say *FAILED TO BIND PORT*
    *Maybe it's running on another port* and I brought up task manager and I didn't have any java programs up so I'm just trying to make my server public but I'm having this probelm. Pls help:)
  2. Offline


    Restart your computer. You might have started your server wrong by accident and it is running in the background. Also, try changing the port to 25567 and see if that fixes anything.

    BTW, this message is completely unrelated to any port forwarding that you have or have not done.
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