Factions Help Request Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by LordOfPex, Feb 9, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Utilities.

    Suggested name: FactionsRescue

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that has the follows:

    3. Rescue Command: When a player is entering another faction's land, if you are getting trapped by them, you can type a command, that will automatically send all THAT PLAYER's faction members a message with the following info: The coords of the player, the name of the faction that own the land the player got trapped in, The name of the trapping faction's leader.

    I want a clickable button to be shown under the message, that when someone will click it, it will send the trapped player a message that will tell him who got his message and that he is coming to rescue.

    Example message: (I would like that message to be customizable)
    "Someone in your faction needs rescue!
    Name: {Player}
    Location: {Coords} {World}
    Trapping Faction: {TrappingFaction}
    Requesting help for: <MessageThePlayerCanWriteHere> (For example: 'I need help they trapped me here!')
    Click this button to confirm you are coming to the rescue: [Confirm]"

    I would like all messages to be customizable, and also would like the next variables that I will be able to use in the custom messages:
    {Player} = View the player's name.
    {Coords} = View the coordinates of the player at the moment.
    {FactionName} = View the player's faction name.
    {FactionLeader} = View the player's faction's leader name.
    {TrappingFaction} = View the trapping faction's name that own the claim the player is in at the moment.
    {World} = View the player's world.

    I would also like /notif to toggle the ability to get and view these help messages on/off.

    Ideas for commands:
    /Rescue [OPTIONAL- Message] - Send a help request to all of your faction members with detailed info about your status.
    /Notif on/off - Disable/Enable the ability to get notifications from base raiding alerts.
    /fres = Reload the config file ingame.

    Ideas for permissions:
    factionrescue.rescue - Permission for /rescue. (Alias: /res)
    factionrescue.notif - Permission for /notif.
    factionrescue.reload - Permission for /fres reload.

    NOTE: If possible, I would like that to support FactionsUUID.

    When I'd like it by: Soon as possible :) Thanks in advanced!
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