Minecraft version: 1.18.2 Paper Suggested name: ExtraHeart What I want: I would like to ask the plugin for an extra heart, but you can only use it when you have less than 15 hp. I would like the item to be a gray dye item named "&6&lextra heart" with the lore "&7Use if you have less than 15 hp" (it's in the config). When a player has more than 15 hp, eg 16, he gets the message "You can't use this, you have more than 15 hp!" Ideas for commands: /addheart Ideas for permissions: admin.heart
Should be easy enough, give me ~30 minutes at most I'd say Done - Tested on 1.19.3 PaperMC server (API version is 1.18.2 so it should work for you aswell, I was just too lazy to install an earlier server version just for a simple test like this) Please tell me if you find any bugs or have requests for extra features/changes (see below for updated version)
So you want to be able to configure the lore on the item trough a config? EDIT: I just went on the assumption of interpreting your request that way. I have attached an updated version that includes a configuration for the extra-heart-item's name and lore EDIT 2: Attachment updated - I always like to include a built-in reload command when dealing with configurations in a plugin. I forgot to add that, so I just corrected that EDIT 3: I just realized I made a mistake when checking for the item when listening for when a player right-clicks, please give me a few minutes to fix this EDIT 4: Ok, mistake fixed - Updated version attached. Everything should work correctly now. Sorry for that