Export minecraft map to bitmap image

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by CernokneznikUtoci, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Plugin category:
    Admin tools

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    I need plugin, that will generate maps for me. When i input X,Y,Z cords, and map scale, plugin will generate a PNG file and put it in a plugin folder. http://prntscr.com/22hqjf

    Ideas for commands: /map generate <imagetype> <x><y><z> <mapscale>

    Ideas for permissions:
    maps.generate - allows to generate image

    When I'd like it by: as soon as possible
  2. Offline


    Ok so I have used a program in the past called MCA Map. If this is combined with one of Dinnerbone's(Person at Mojang) applications that determines a region file based on coordinates, this would be a quicker way to do this.

    MCA Map
    Coordinate Calculator

    How to:
    Input coordinates into the "Coordinate Calculator", get the region files, download a copy of the server map files that you need, load them in MCA Map, and wait for it to load :)

    Now, if this is not what you are looking for or you don't have access to the needed map files, I could try and make a way to do what you are looking for or one of the many talented developers on this site could try their hand at it :)
  3. Because i am looking for this to make automatized geocaching service for my website, this method is useless. people will build containers and routes, and Than they will put it to my website, and share it with others. -> i need to generate These images automagically .. Generate every single image this way is useless for me.
  4. Offline


    You can load chunks and convert block id's to rgb values then just print it out in one big picture and do this periodically. I can take a poke at it in a bit if no one else does.

    mapscale is interesting, not sure how to go about that.

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