Export help list to a website

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Freezy, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Is there a plugin that exports all findable commands to a html table, xml, json, etc?
    Searching for "help export" shows too many results.

    This could also help server admins that don't want to set up plugin by plugin, but just want a quick start.

    There are plugins that load different help pages and group them etc. They are great if you dont mind reading through 21 pages when you just need a specific group or plugin.

    I would prefer a automated per plugin display of commands.
    Output to a website format would be a very nice addition.

    It needs:
    - Configurable output directory (so it can instantly update a file on website server / sync location)
    - Per plugin command list
    - A default look easily added to or linked in a html.

    Would be nice:
    - automatically links to the respective forum threads / wiki's (or link to the temporary plugin list).
    - configurable output type (xml, html, json, etc).
    - just html, makes it easier to implement.

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