Solved EventHandler Doing NOTHING!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheSilentPvP, Sep 11, 2016.

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    Hello, I am very new to coding plugins and I decided to make a test plugin with the EventHandler function. Im the plugin, I implemented some anti-glitch mechanics (if a player gets in a vehicle the plugin cancels the event etc.) However, I tried performing the event both with and without OP but it didn't prevent me from getting in the minecart. I don't have any errors in the console or in eclipse. Please help!

    pastebin of PlayerListener:
    pastebin of EventHandle:
    pastebin of plugin.yml:

    NOTE: When I add @Override it just gives me an error saying that it must "Override a superclass"
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    That error is there for a reason. It is saying that the OnEnable method does not exist. The "O" Needs to be lower case. Changing that should fix your problem.
  4. @TheSilentPvP And this is why you follow naming conventions.
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    Thanks, now I can add @Override without errors.
    Also, Everything works perfectly now. Thanks!
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2016
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    If your problem has been solved, mark this thread as solved.
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