Event that happens when you equip/unequip armor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ConflictRealms, Apr 1, 2013.

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    What would I do to make it send a message when someone equips armor and unequips armor? Cant really be inventoryclick event because the game has other ways to put armor on people.(Dispenser) or (Shift+rightclick armor in hotbar- Might count)
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    Listen to everything that can put armor on player.
  3. Offline


    InventoryClickEvent is the best event to listen to here.
    Or you could set up a repeating task, wouldn't be efficient.
  4. Offline


    So inventoryclickevent fixes it so if he puts the armor on manually. And takes it off. What if the armor breaks. And using a repeating task wouldn't work for what I'm doing.(Don't needa get into detail). its current What I'm using
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    Anyone? (Been about 24 hours)
  6. Offline


    I already told you.
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    Equipment event is something that I think bukkit should add. To block a player from wearing something is necessary to listen:
    • InventoryClick (put it on classic way)
    • PlayerInteract (righ click with it in hand)
    • BlockDispense (put with dispenser)
    And of all of them with it's own problem (for dispensers is almost impossible to ensure a correct blocking).
    Kars and filbert66 like this.
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