event.setCancelled(true); not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Danza, Mar 22, 2011.

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    Bukkit 531 and 559 i try they both. and cant understand why, but anjosecurity and other plugins(including my) where using event.setCancelled(true); is not working(without errors).

    i was tryed:
        public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
    in console i see test but event not cancel

    the same with onBlockPlace onBlockBreak and maybe other... and i cant remeber when it happens...
  2. Offline


    Didn't you forgot to register the event in OnEnable ?

    EDIT: I forgot, OnMove doesn't work like that, I think its a lag problem, you need to do a hackish solution... teleport the player back to the original place
  3. Offline


    thank you. player.teleport works for me.
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