EssentialsChat and PEX not working! Please help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SniperSlayer, Jun 29, 2016.

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    Hello, I have my own server but my PermissionsEx and EssentailsChat are not working for some reason, the EssentialsChat stopped working yesterday and my PermissionsEx stopped working today. Anyone know why this is happening ?

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    It might be that the essentials.jar is older then the essentialchat if not server version and the crash log. Also your pex config is probably not done properly.
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    my essentialsChat has only one version and there is no other essentailschat when I search for it so thats a no go(pex and essentials chat were the same version 1.8.1) my server does not have a spigot 1.8.1 only .1.8 and .18.3 so I choose 1.8 . So thats a no go, and I do think my pex is done properly.
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