essentials.teleport.delay.bypass Not working?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by brinaq, Feb 7, 2013.

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    So I have a delay on my server for teleporting and it works perfectly fine, yet I want my Moderators to be able to bypass the delay so they can get to people quick. Since my moderators are not ops, I used the "essentials.teleport.delay.bypass" permissions and added it to a single player's permissions. It doesn't seem to work.
    I am using PermissionsBukkit.
    Also, is it possible to have all my players bypass the delay for a certain multiverse world?

    Regards, Brinaq
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    I don't know how to answer your first question, but for all players bypassing it in one world, do this command:

    /permissions group setperm <group> worldname:essentials.teleport.delay.bypass true

    And to make sure they don't bypass the delay in another world, do the same command for that other world and change true to false.
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    That's what I did and it doesnt work.
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    please paste your permissions file.
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