Essentials Signs - Rewards and Cooldowns?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MagicRecon, Oct 24, 2012.

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    How do i set up a sign so if someone they complete the maze they can get a prize however i dont know how to add a cooldown so they cant just keep hitting it how do i set a reward on the sign and set a cooldown of say 2 hours?
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    Lol I was thinking I was in the Plugin Requests when I posted that :p My bad. However are you asking how to modify essentials or asking how to develop a plugin that would do such a thing? Also your post is very difficult to read due to the many gramatical errors. I suggest you fix this.
  5. Offline


    yeah sorry about that, just really tired. Basically i need to know how to set up a sign, that offers a reward upon completion of an event, such as a maze for example. They get to the end and then click on the sign and it rewards them with 500 coins per say. I know this can be done because i have seen it on other servers. I just dont want it to allow the user to just keep hitting the sign. I also read somewhere that you can write cooldowns on the signs, again im not sure how. Hopefully this was easier for you to understand. ;)
  6. Offline


    use player interact event and check whether it is the right sign, the player is clicking on.
    then save the name of the player and the sign and the date and the time in a hashmap or something like this.
    when this player interact with the same sign again, you check with the time and the date, when he did this last, whether he did this before more then 2 hours or not.
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