Essentials Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by darkspiker, Jan 5, 2019.

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    Hello I need help with a well known plugin called Essentials im using the 1.14 pre release version but everytime I start up the server it gives me this error message
    [18:32:52] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/google/common/cache/CacheBuilder.maximumSize(I)Lcom/google/common/cache/CacheBuilder; (loaded from file:/home/minecraft/servers/mine239693/craftbukkit-1.12.2-R0.1.jar by sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@51c51d07) called from class com.earth2me.essentials.UserMap (loaded from file:/home/minecraft/servers/mine239693/plugins/Essentials.jar by
    [18:32:52] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling Essentials vPre2.14.1.3 (Is it up to date?)

    Or when I do a command even when im opped it gives me an internal error error and in console it gives this error org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'fly' in plugin Essentials vPre2.14.1.3 - plugin is disabled.
    My server is 1.12.2 If anyone knows the issue please reply. Im not sure what to do at this point
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    @darkspiker Try EssentialsX, i'm pretty sure Essentials isn't getting updated anymore and EssentialsX is a continuation of Essentials.
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    OK thankyou for helping me Thats sad I kinda liked Essentials Im assuming EssentialsX will be just like it so once again thankyou
    KarimAKL likes this.
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