Plugin Help Essentials Keep Resetting

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by CookieCrafterMC, Apr 7, 2015.

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    Hey, I own the InfiniteMC Network, and we're currently making a prison server.

    Me and the staff are testing and whenever we re-join the server, it resets our player data, it brings back the "Welcome <player> to the server" message as in that player just joined the server for the first time. Whenever we relog same thing happens.

    Can someone please help me?
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    @CookieCrafterMC Please put the latest.log (found in the logs folder) in a pastebin. Also, are you using the correct version of Essentials for your server?
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  4. Offline


    Yea I found this, it's got nothing to do with this thread but here, your flo auction doesn't work, you need WhatIsIt plugin.
    1. [21:29:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: Auction » ----- WhatIsIt Dependency Failure -----
    2. [21:29:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: Auction » ATTENTION! THIS IS A NOTIFICATION THAT floAuction HAS NOT BEEN
    3. [21:29:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: Auction » ENABLED. floAuction REQUIRES THE WhatIsIt PLUGIN AND YOU LACK
    4. [21:29:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: Auction » IT. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL WhatIsIt IF YOU WANT floAuction TO

    And could you post your essentials config and then another log of people just joining saying soin chat then leaving, and then repeat this about 5 or 6 times, cause I'm kinda confused where everything is layed out :/
  5. Offline


    Re-read the message, player join messages are based on the world's playerdata, so this is nothing to do with essentials, if you are reloading or rolling back the server to before it had the player's player data in the world file it will welcome them for the first time
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    If you do a mistake in the essentials config it is very sensitive and will restart the whole of the essentials so when you go to editing it always save some backups.
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