Essentials + Groupmanager ?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Mosh Mage, May 25, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Mosh Mage

    I had a user saying that Permissions and Groupmanager would, somehow, crash the thing. thing aka server.

    I was thinking, i thought Essentials DIDN'T had any sort of permissions? could someone clarify this for me? I'd be eternally thankfull :)
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    You can run both GroupManager and Permissions if you want but I'm not sure why you would want multiple permissions plugins.

    Edit - The Essentials group of plugins does include GroupManager but the essentials.jar does not.
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    Mosh Mage

    I didn't want to run multiple permissions plugins, maybe i didnt care to look if GroupManager was in the bundle and downloaded Permissions (or, fake Permission as the plugin states);

    Sooooooooo, i'd Remove Fake Permissions (god knows where it came from, because i sure don't) and leave GroupManager?


    taking a good look at my startup log, i see:

    - lockette linked to groupmanager
    [hero bounty] permissions 2.0 found
    fake permissions version 2.7.2 is enabled
    that striked me as "WTF?!" i didnt download THAT many permission plugins, and i'm sure of it. Could Essentials bundle bring all of those?
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    The Essentials bundle loads a handful of plugins but they will all be labeled Essentials<name> just like the GroupManager plugin plugin being named EssentialsGroupManager. With GroupManager comes the bridge named EssentialsGroupBridge. This is the plugin that allows GroupManger to look like Permissions to other plugins. It unfortunately calls itself both Permissions and fake Permissions in the log making it hard to figure out what you are running. (Perhaps a lot of information that you may just want to ignore)

    The simple answer to your question is to not remove Fake Permissions as it is needed by GroupManager.
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    Mosh Mage

    You calmed my weak little heart :)

    a bunch of internets to you, kind Sir.

    - edit:
    (and just to be sure) im not running 2 permissions plugins, then. am i? *unsure*
  6. Offline


    As long as you only have EssentialsGroupManager and EssentialsGroupBridge then you are fine. In the log you will see a message about GroupManager loading and Fake Permissions linking with that and that is what you want to see.
  7. Offline

    Mosh Mage

    You just saved me about one or two hours of internet reading, thank you again. :)
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