Problem/Bug Essentials Group Manager - How to disable giving a lower rank to someone?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by LeoJessy10, Feb 4, 2016.

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    I'm wondering how could I prevent giving a lower donation rank to someone who has a higher one?

    For example, someone voted 10 times and got the VIP rank, worth 10$. But, that person had a 200$ rank already. How can it be possible to disable going from the 200$ to the cheap 10$ rank?

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    Just make the VIP a subgroup.

    /manuaddsub <userName> VIP

    And the prefix is still the main group.
  3. Offline


    What if I want him to not have the VIP rank, so he doesn't have that rank because all the perks are already in the 200$ rank? What do I need to do for that?

    How can he not be downgraded to a lower rank than the one he has right now?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
  4. Offline


    UP, please, I need help.
  5. Offline


    What if the player has the normal rank? Will it replace the [Member] Rank by [VIP] ?
  6. Offline


    UP, I really need help.
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    Sorry, I didn't get an alert.

    BTW, As far as I understand your problem.

    You want If a player has a $200 worth of Rank, and you have an automatic rankup plugin that promotes player to a specified rank and in your case which is the VIP rank and costs $10, you don't want him/her to get demoted or to change him/her rank to VIP?

    Again, if the plugin executes a command when achieved the amount of votes,

    Just write in: /manuaddsub <player> VIP

    No, the VIP will be the subgroup. Meaning, he/she has now a two ranks which is Member and VIP. But the prefix will be the main group which is [Member]
  8. Offline


    What if I want that Members get this VIP rank as the main rank, and not demote the 200$ rank, God rank for example. How can I do that though?

    Thank you also for the answer :)
  9. Offline


    What if you have two groups on Buycraft (i think Enjin supports this too, if that's what you use), one as the main rank and one as additional ranks? The main rank group you can allow users to only buy more expensive ones than the one they already have in that group, and in the other group you can allow them to buy any of them. In the first group, set their main rank, and in the second group set the subgroup, as XavierMechanics has stated.
  10. Offline


    I don't really understand. I'm using crates that gives ranks and I don't want someone to get a lower rank than his actual rank, and the members to get the rank. So, if the person has a higher rank, he doesn't lose it and nothing happens.
  11. Offline


    Ahh, I haven't worked with crates, sorry.
  12. Offline


    I'm just looking for the command for this. Is there any commands that goes with Buycraft or GroupManager that can do this?
  13. Offline


    It seems that you may want to get a plugin made that will make sure that the lower rank is not given to someone of higher rank. You could go over to the Plugin Requests subforum if you'd like to request it:
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