Filled Essentials Compatible Scoreboard

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by SeaniePlays, Apr 7, 2014.

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    Hi i have been on a few prison servers recently and seen that they have a scoreboard at the side and it has their essentials balance and how much to next Rankup

    The Request:
    I would like the scoreboard to be like the one in the picture. With the features Current Rank,Next Rank,Cost Of rank,Balance,Online and maybe even staff online
    Many Thanks
    Seanieplays :cool:
  2. Offline


    There are multiple scoreboards that are available.

    1) (This is the only one that would be able to do Current Rank, Next Rank and price of next rank)

    2) (I would recommend this one) but you need to have Vault installed for the money to work.

    Hope I helped. If you need any help setting up the scoreboard with the second one, feel free to ask me. I find the second one harder to set up, but I will try help you as well if you have any problems.

    Thanks and hope I helped,

  3. Offline


    Badger1661 Thanks For the reply
    I think i will go for Info board could you give me a hand still as im quite bad at setting them up and finding the right variable from the right plugin
  4. Offline


    Are you using prison rankup? cause this is the only one that will work for the prison related stuff
  5. Offline


    # Info Board Config, Last Edited in v0.1.7
    # Max rows is 15, and most characters in a row is 16(Unless you enable scroll) (This includes color/formating codes)
    # The group setting will always go to default if the players group isn't found.(Scoreboards per group requires vault to be on the server)
    # The world setting will always go to global if the players world isn't found.
    # =============================================================
    # #                  Example
    # Info Board:
    # # Page Number
    #  '1':
    # # How Long this page is shown for
    #    Show Time: 10
    # # What world sees this page (global = All)
    #    global:
    # # What Permissions group sees this page
    #      default:
    # # Pages Title
    #        Title: '&4&lDuskHaven'
    # # Pages Rows
    #          Rows:
    #          - ' '
    #          - 'This board is only'
    #          - 'seen by defaults'
    #      Admin:
    #        Title: '&4&lAdmin Page'
    #        Rows:
    #        - ' '
    #        - 'This board is only'
    #        - 'seen by Admins'
    #  '2':
    #    Show Time: 5
    #    world:
    #      default:
    #        Title: '&a&lStats'
    #          Rows:
    # #              Splitting a line can be done in two ways: using <split>
    #          - 'Online Players: <split> <onlineplayers>'
    # #                Or Using ;
    #          - 'Money: ; <balance>'
    #          - 'PowerLevel: <split> <mcmmopowerlevel>'
    #          - 'Your Level: <split> <level>'
    #    world_the_nether:
    #      default:
    #        Title: '&a&lNether'
    #          Rows:
    # #        - 'Your Level: <split> <level>'
    # # Will only display if <exp> isn't "0" or "Unknown"
    # #        - '~!<exp>Your Exp:'
    # #        - '~!<exp><exp>'
    # #
    # ==================================================================
    # ==================================================================
    # Custom Variables are pretty simple, just follow this setup:
    # Custom Variables:
    #  <Variable>: What it gets replaced to
    # (Also can be used to change "false" to "No")
    # ==================================================================
    # ==================================================================
    # For Disabled Worlds, Any worlds you want disabled put them here! 
    # ==================================================================
    # ==================================================================
    # Just a heads up, using scroll MAY cause some lag. That's why it's a config option
    # <scroll> remove the limit of characters in a row as it scrolls through
    # To enable this turn, change "Scrolling Text.Enable" to true, and restart the server
    # Shift Time is how long between letters move
    # ==================================================================
    # ==================================================================
    # For Update Time, How many seconds between updating the scoreboard
    # ==================================================================
    # ==================    SCORE BOARDS      ======================
    # Max rows is 15, and most characters in a row is 16(Unless you enable scroll) (This includes color/formating codes)
    # The group setting will always go to default if the players group isn't found.(Scoreboards per group requires vault to be on the server)
    # The world setting will always go to global if the players world isn't found.
    # ==================================================================
    Check for Updates: true
    Custom Variables:
    Disabled Worlds:
    - DisabledWorld1
    - DisabledWorld2
    Scrolling Text:
      Enable: false
      Shift Time: 0.25
    Update Time: 2
    Info Board:
        Show Time: 20
            Title: 'Your Stats'
            - 'Current Rank:'
            - '<prisonrankuprank>'
            - ''
            - 'Next Rank:'
            - '<prisonrankupnextrank>'
            - ''
            - 'Cost of rank:'
            - '<prisonrankuprankprice>'
            - ''
            - 'Your Balance:'
            - '<money>'
            - ''
            - 'Players Online:'
            - '<onlineplayers>'
    Here is the config. I presumed that u are using Prison Rankup.

    Attached Files:

  6. Offline


    Badger1661 Yeah im using prisonrankup And Thanks For the help It is working perfectly now
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