Displaying Multiple ScoreBoards?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SnowGears, Sep 1, 2013.

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    I am trying to display a player's message from chat below their name using scoreboard. I thought this was possible but after looking more into how scoreboards work I am starting to believe otherwise...

    Would it even be possible to achieve this? From the research I did it seems players can only have 1 active scoreboard at a time which would make this not possible I think.

    I would love to be proven wrong though and any information, tips, or ideas would be very much appreciated.
  2. Players can only have one scoreboard, yes, but every scoreboard has 3 DisplaySlots you can register objectives on. Obviously, there can only be one visible objective per slot, that's why multiple scoreboards per player would not make any sense.
    If you do need multiple, you could store all scoreboards in a list and then switch them, showing one at a time.
  3. Offline


    Yeah one at a time might be the only way to do it but on a large server this could lead to some messages being displayed significantly late on larger servers.
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