Disney shooting star plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 360_, May 14, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.8 - 1.10

    Suggested name: DisneyShootingStar

    What I want: I am trying to get a plugin made that dose something like this https://gyazo.com/f446ace822251d30a73dc61adf2314b4 but in minecraft.

    Ideas for commands: /dss create (Name) (Pos1) (Pos2) (Pos3) (Speed) (Particle). Ok let me explain what (Pos1) (Pos2) (Pos3) (Speed) (Particle) do. (Pos1) should be the starting point of the Shooting star and way to fill out the part of the command that is (Pos1) is by doing x,y,z witch should end up looking like 25,50,27 and this should be the same for (Pos2) and (Pos3). The way (Pos2) works is that's this is top / highest the particle will go. (Pos3) should work like (Pos2) but the particle ends here. And (Speed) dose is how long the Shooting star will last (Btw this should be in real life seconds not minecraft seconds).
    /dss list - shows a list of Particles that can be used.
    /dss start (Name) - Launches a Shooting Star that has been created.
    /dss del (Name) - Deletes a Shooting Star that has been created.
    /dss names - Shows all the Shooting Star that have been created.
    (Btw if a player dose a command that starts with /dss help it shows all the commands)
    Ideas for permissions: disney.shooting.star - Allows the person with this permission to view all the commands.

    When I'd like it by: End of the month
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    You can do this with a command block (if you want to use command blocks), just summon a fireball with a special angle, size, pitch, yaw and direction. The only problem is the fact that it won't stop at a certain location nor have a trail, but to make a trail you could have some smaller fireballs (configurable size) following after it to make tail appearance. Otherwise I think that this may be a bit hard to make only using Java and no texture packs or anything.
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