
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraftBang, Dec 10, 2014.

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    Hello there everyone,

    I've seen some posts about dismounting but I couldn't find the right information about dismounting on animals.
    I did made a "fix" what it does : you dismount > get put back on.
    But I've seen that Hypixel doesn't have the problem with dismounting (in a minigame you fly with a chicken, shift is down, space is up).
    How do I cancel dismounting completely?

    The mob I'm using is a wolf.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Offline


    @CraftBang You could try using the PlayerSneakEvent although I am not sure if it is called when you dismount.
  3. Offline


    Mhm I thought I tried that going to try now. I guess you ment PlayerToggleSneakEvent btw.
    Doesn't work :p Thanks for responding though
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    @mine-care I tried that, but a wolf isn't a Vehicle THERE, it is though if you're checking if the player isInVehicle, and than getVehicle(), weird!
    mine-care likes this.
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    @CraftBang oh lol! That's what I originally though. Since getVehicle can return wolf then I thought the event will fire too... Ugh...
    CraftBang likes this.
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    @mine-care thanks for responding :p
    @xTigerRebornx I do have a custom entity, I'll take a look into NMS, since it's my first time using that :p.
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    @ChipDev Usefull! a like for you =)
    ChipDev likes this.
  11. How does one get ninja'd by 6 hours? 0.o
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    Meh, I went to school.
  13. @ChipDev Ah. Then maybe next time you leave a page open 1/4 of a day, you'll refresh before posting, eh? :p
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