Disk coaster

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by RipsawYT, Jun 15, 2017.

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    Hi there,

    I am the owner of a themepark server.
    What do i want?

    (this is all real information from the real world)
    A 'DISK’O COASTER' is a huge platform spinning over a piece of track, u have a small version and a lagere version with a bump in the middle. Its made by an italian company named Zamperla. Just below u will find some links so u know what iam talking about :D

    Product page: http://www.zamperla.com/products/disko-coaster/

    What do i want from the plugin?

    I want a cirkle of minecarts like the disc that travel over a track while turning like the real ride. It has to follow to track show in the next pictures, the red & yellow wool are the place where the minecarts need to travel (made it 2 colours just for easy counting the blocks), the track itself is the clay. The green wool is the outline for the minecart disc.

    I dont know if this is possible but as the ride is Atlantis themed, would it be possible to have a yellow trident in the middle of the minecarts that moves with them? Something like this but a little bigger?
    How would it work?

    Well, installing the ride itself, idk. Maby via a sign in the middle or via cordinates (ignore the cords on the pictures)? Whatever you like.

    Howerver, i have an idea to start the ride. When a player enters the minecraft, the pl automatically detects that. All players waiting in the minecarts get an action bar message saying in yellow 'This ride will start in XX seconds, please remain seated'. It waits for like 10 seconds an takes off unless there is nobody in the minecarts anymore (its important the ride always completes its full trip even when a player logged out during the ride). When it takes off, i want a function to use commands, like a setblock command to close the entrance if the ride is moving.

    I dont only want the ride to automatically operate, i alsow want a few commands for it.

    -/disco start >> starts the ride even when there is nobody in it.
    -/disco clear >> clears the minecarts (and the trident in the middle)
    -/disco spawn >> spawns the minecarts and trident back at the station (only works if the carts where cleared)
    -/disco kick >> kicks all players out off minecarts back to the station, even if the ride is still moving (this wont stop the ride)

    During the ride.

    During the ride, players may not be able to leave or enter the carts if they are in motion! When a player tries to shift or teleport out of the ride, a chat message must appear in red saying 'You may not leave this ride while its in motion, please remain seated!'. The station itself needs to be protected while the ride is moving so i want the station are not to be accesibble while the ride is in motion, like a border.


    After the ride is done!

    When the ride is done and stoppedin the station, i want it to kick all players out of the carts. I would like an option to add cmds for the exiting players like giving them coins.

    The ride itself!

    It want it to be the same like irl.


    The ride needs to turn the same direction at it may not pass the bump on like the firt time.
    So shot, the same like the vid, but only 30 seconds shorter.

    Server info.

    Version: 1.11.2
    WARNING: it needs to work with Traincarts and may not break it, this plugin may not interrupt other minecart plugins/operations!!!!

    The end!

    So this is all i need, not that mutch right :p? If u wanne help me and build this plugin for me, please leave a message below. Any questions? I love to hear them!

    Thanks guys!

    Attached Files:

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Edited post and moved to plugin requests.
    RipsawYT likes this.
  3. Not possible without much lagging...
    Maybe you customise it by yourself to a working condition
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    Well, i dont know how to customise it by myself.
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    Well the problem with programming such a plugin is to find a formula calculating the exact position of a minecart in t Time. I will keep an eye open for something like that
    icedmoca likes this.
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