Disabling netherportals in certain area

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Epixel, Oct 12, 2016.

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    How do I disable nether portals in a certain area? I don't want players to be able to create portals in spawn.
    The way they would do this is:
    1. Go to the nether
    2. Create a portal at the same cords as spawn
    3. Go through, and boom - a portal is created in spawn
  2. Offline


    Did you test it? Did it happen? Do you have worldguard? Cause I don't think that is possible to do.

    EDIT: if you would want to make a portal at spawn while in the nether you would have to do some math cause 8 overworld blocks is 1 block in the nether. example: at coordinates 1000 70 1000 (in the nether) when you make a portal you go to 8000 70 8000 in the overworld.
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