Differentway of earning Exp

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Hamsta, Nov 22, 2011.

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    I am searching for a plug-in, that would give me other ways of getting expirience points for enchanting. I have the problem that i am running a roleplayserver and the way exp point work now just doesn't fit any roleplay model. A massive monster killing priest or a macho warrior carefully enchanting a pickaxe just seems stupid. (i am talking of normal medival warriors and priests and not the kinds you see in fanatsy mmorpg like wow and the like).

    I thought of something like gaining exp just by beeing on the server (i know its not a very creative way but i couldn't find a logical way for (normal) priests to get exp points by doing a certain action). Of course not everyone should be able to gain exp that way (or any other) so there should be a permission node for. Without it you won't be able to get exp points in any possible way.
    How much exp someone gets in what amount of time should be costumizable.

    i would be happy if someone could make a plugin like that or tell me if there already is a plugin that works similar...
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    Most Developers will not develop for a non RB CB build. Your best bet would be to wait a bit until a 1.0 RB of CB is released.
  3. Offline


    Like maybe mining obsidian gives you xp because you mine it a lot and you level up your mining speed or something...

    Sorry for the double post, my PC froze

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
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  5. Offline


    It's cool to say that but what about just delete one ?
  6. Try a Plugin called eXPra
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