Dieing at the Same Time

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by number1_Master, Sep 22, 2012.

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    I have a plugin on my server which allows a player to duel another player in an arena. Whichever players wins has 10 seconds to recover the items and afterward is teleported out of the arena. There has been a few coincidences where both players have died at the same time.

    Is there a way to check if two players have died at the same time? I assume I wold need to use HashMaps.
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    if (player1.isDead() && player2.isDead()){
    //dop something
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    Well since my code acts under the DeathEvent, I can simply put if(player1.isDead) or if(player2.isDead)
    I'll try it out. Thanks!
  4. Offline


    Check if player died from another player. Then check if that player is dead.
  5. Offline


    You mean:
    If you read up, then you will see that is what I said.
  6. Offline


    Well, if you wanted to get specific you could make sure player 1 died from another player or his "matched" player.
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    That is what Jnorr44, you, and I have said ...
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