Inactive [DEV] SpoutPlugin - Unleash the flow of endless possibilities [1.0-1.3.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by SpoutDev, Aug 1, 2011.

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    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. BukkitBridge is for those plugins that won't update to the Spout platform. It's a fix for server owners, not for plugin developers.

    Bukkit's changes have nothing to do with splitting the community. Bukkit's rules are why the community is splitting. Spout, formerly BukkitContrib, aimed to extend client/server mod relationships in a way Bukkit alone could not. Bukkit doesn't like that. From this, the Spout team just decided to make a new platform and forget all the Bukkit rules and not have to touch Mojang code on every update.
  3. Offline


    is there somewhere I can find the new server and client software? if i can, is it stable enough to at least explore some features? If minecraft updates slow for a while like i guess in 1.2.5 (I found minecraft somewhere near the end of 1.2.5), will spoutplugin come back strong/at all?
  4. The current server and client are developer builds and aren't exactly playable yet. The server is more stable than the client but not complete yet. Both are available at
  5. Offline


    If minecraft updates slow for a while like i guess in 1.2.5 (I found minecraft somewhere near the end of 1.2.5), will spoutplugin come back strong/at all?
  6. Unlikely. I don't expect SpoutPlugin to ever be considered strong at this point.
  7. Offline


    what Im trying to say is if the updates slow will things go back to normal, or is this the new normal?
  8. New normal. SpoutPlugin is on its way out.
  9. Offline


    Ok I'm having trouble setting up spout (server and client). This is the new spout and I'm on a Mac. First, the wiki on how to set it up isn't complete. Now, after I've set up everything (I had to fill in some missing parts), when I try to start it up with terminal is says: could not access jarfile Spout*.jar. Yes I have done the chmod a+x stuff. Please help. Do you know if there are any YouTube videos out on how to set up the new spout?
  10. No. I don't believe videos should ever be used for technical information. I have no idea where you'd find them, if they even exist yet.

    If you don't understand how to run standalone jars, I don't think you're ready for developer editions of software.
  11. Offline


    I just wish they didn't remove the wiki page for SpoutPlugin. I have the dev 1.5.1 SpoutPlugin, and I need some help with it......
  12. Offline


    We provide support on our website,

    All the documents are still on the wiki at
  13. Offline


    I meant the feature list and such... and how to replace texture packs for certain regions (worldedit/worldguard).
  14. Offline


    Feature list is there on the wiki, just click on the logo for it.

    Texture packs per region would have to be done with a plugin using our API. There is no feature for that directly.
  15. Offline


    Alright, thank you.
  16. Offline


    I am currently wondering if spout is out for any of the new versions of Minecraft [Ex. 1.5.2, 1.6.1 or 1.6.2] Since my friend owns a fall out server which he has made over 1,000 gun models him self but can't use them because of out dated spout,
  17. Offline


    Spoutcraft and Plugin are updated to 1.5.2, and will hopefully be updated to 1.6.2 soon. Please visit the Spout website for more information
  18. Offline


    Thank you that is excellent news to hear, thank you for your kind support, ~Jex
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