(DEV PLEASE) Thunderspot

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by WALRENT, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    this is a plugin that would make it so if i said /ts [AMOUNT] then lightning would strike that spot with the [AMOUNT] every second

    Command l Description l ts.Example
    /ts [amount] l makes lightning strike the spot l ts.number
    l your looking with the amount you l
    l put l
    /ts [player] [amount] l makes lightning strike that player l ts.player
    l with the number every second l
    l[does not harm player health] l
  2. Offline


    I don't know of a plugin that does that essentials has /lightning but thats a good idea for example if you make a tall building you could have lighting strike the top every so often.
  3. Offline


    Actually, I'm thinking of making something like this, but it might be a few days. Besides the fact that I have homework, I've been backed up with plugins I've forgotten/neglected...

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