[DEV] OddItem 0.9.5 - Unified custom items list and parser [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by petteyg359, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.

    A database of item ids, damage values, and aliases. Provides an API so that a single set of aliases may be shared among all plugins.

    Allows players to show all aliases of their currently held item, or any other alias.

    Allows maintaining groups of items (e.g. kits) that may be accessed by multiple plugins, with arbitrary metadata in ConfigurationSection format.

    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.
    Rowanzy, MasterMeNL, KingPin and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Thanks :)
    Plugin updated.
    But I found a bug with the new group feature :
     # groups can contain quantities - don't forget to quote them
    sample: ['bluedye:3','wool:8']
    The ItemStack have always an amount of 1. It's don't take the number to create it if I just do getItemGroup(group).
  3. Offline


    Look one section down:
  4. Offline


    Okay my bad ^^'
    If I use this method, and the user didn't provide the amount, will it be automatically 1 ?
  5. Offline


    No, it'd be -1. I'll fix that shortly :)

    EDIT: Fixed in 0.7.2 :) It will now automatically be 1 (I may make that another configuration option next version).
  6. Anything on the new .yml format?

    And @petteyg359 would it be possible to move the .yml back into the Odd folder, it makes it SOO much clearer too which plugin it belongs. Plus it will solve any conflicts if another plugin dev makes a mistake and trys to create a config.yml in hte plugins folder :)
  7. Offline


    It would be possible, and it would require a huge mistake for a conflict, since it is named OddItem.yml, and not config.yml...
  8. opps yes did notice that too after i started my server just now ^^
  9. Found 2 issues:

    1. If you do not have the permission set and try to execute a command you get no info about not having permissions, it just shows nothing.
    2. If you issue a command from the console it is not handled properly and throws exceptions:
    23:50:34 [WARNING] Unexpected exception while parsing console command
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'odditem' in plugin OddIt
    em v0.7.3
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:37)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:129)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:312)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:480)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:465)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.ColouredConsoleSender cannot
     be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player
            at info.somethingodd.bukkit.OddItem.OddItemCommandExecutor.onCommand(OddItemCommandExecutor.
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:35)
            ... 6 more
  10. Offline


    Fixed, I think.
  11. Works from console :)
  12. Offline


    When i start my server i have this error:
    Could not load 'plugins/odditem.jar' in folder 'plugins' : permissions are of wrong type

    I use the last release of PermissionBukkit 1.2k with craftbukkit 1060
  13. Offline


    Are you using CraftBukkitUpToDate? I posted an update on dev.bukkit.org tagged as beta. CBUTD author said he's getting an RSS feed from dev.bukkit.org for updates, but I don't know whether he's filtering for just release versions or not. 0.7.4 beta that I posted is definitely broken (I only posted it to get the project to show as "active" since it has to have a file to do that), and has a big warning attached to the file download page. If you're on a Linux server, and have command line access, try "unzip -lp plugins/OddItem.jar plugin.yml" and check the version number. Make sure it is If it is 0.7.4, then disable CBUTD temporarily and redownload from http://bukkit.somethingodd.info/files/OddItem.jar (that's where the Download icon on dev.bukkit.org links to, also).
  14. Offline


    Updated original post and thread title because I can.
  15. Question: Is there a Tekkit item/ID list that comes with this?
    If not: Could there possibly be Tekkit compatibility? I'll have to add the IDs myself if there isn't a list already.
  16. Offline


    Currently, OddItem is limited to numeric ids. If Tekkit uses cosntant numbers for its ids, it could be added. I will be extending this to support named items for Spout soon, and will also provide an API for plugins to add their own default names to the list, so that dynamic ids could be supported.
  17. Tekkit mods use item IDs, I was wondering if there wasn't already a database with all the Tekkit IDs and names set out already.
  18. Offline


    I've never used Tekkit, so I have not made a list myself, but I'll add one if somebody makes it :)
  19. Offline


    You could iterate the items array and add the localized names for each item (this is what I do in my (as of yet unreleased) plugin), this way new items will be automatically supported without any additional configuration. The downside is it won't come with any aliases by default, but many mods provide fairly readable localized item/block names to the server.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    ok...and thanks for the quick response :)
  23. can anyone help me i need to configure this item file with some danish names (using odditemv.0.9.5, newest craftbukkit) as u see i startet,but
    got this error as this:
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] [OddItem] Configuration error!
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 130
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.getMappingCode(RefinedSoundex.
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.soundex(RefinedSoundex.java:18
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.encode(RefinedSoundex.java:146
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.codec.language.SoundexUtils.difference(SoundexUtils.java:85)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.difference(RefinedSoundex.java
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.bktree.BKTree$Distance.distance(BKTree.java:137)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.bktree.BKTree$Node.add(BKTree.java:163)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.bktree.BKTree.add(BKTree.java:46)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.configuration.OddItemAliases.<init>(OddItemAliases.ja
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.configuration.OddItemAliases.valueOf(OddItemAliases.j
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.OddItemConfiguration.configure(OddItemConfiguration.j
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at info.somethingodd.OddItem.OddItemBase.onEnable(OddItemBase.java:37)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:457)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:282)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:264)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:218)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.PlayerList.<init>(PlayerList.java:52)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedPlayerList.<init>(SourceFile:11)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:104)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:399)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:849)
    08:33:11 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling OddItem v0.9.5+stats+build.14.cc7d6bbd (Is it up to date?)
    at info.somethingodd.OddItem.OddItemBase.onEnable(OddItemBase.java:43)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:457)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:282)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:264)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:218)
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.PlayerList.<init>(PlayerList.java:52)
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedPlayerList.<init>(SourceFile:11)
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:104)
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:399)
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:849)

    what is wrong my item.yml is like this:

        '0;0': [air, empty, sky]
        '1;0': [rock, smoothrock, smoothstone, stone, sten]
        '2;0': [grass, græsblok]
        '3;0': [dirt, jord]
        '4;0': [cob, cobble, cobblestone, brosten]
        '5;0': [oakplank, oakwood, plank, wood, egetræplanker]
        '5;1': [pineplank, pinewood, granstræplanker]
        '5;2': [birchplank, birchwood, birketræplanker]
        '5;3': [jungleplank, junglewood, jungletræplanker]
        '6;0': [applesapling, oaksapling, sapling, ungt egetræ, ]
        '6;1': [pinesapling, ungt grantræ]
        '6;2': [birchsapling, ungt birketræ]
        '7;0': [adminium, bedrock, grundfjeld]
        '8;0': [water, vand]
        '9;0': [stillwater, swater,]
        '10;0': [lava]
        '11;0': [slava, stilllava]
        '12;0': [sand]
        '13;0': [gravel, grus]
        '14;0': [goldore, gore, guldmalm]
        '15;0': [iore, ironore, jernmalm]
        '16;0': [coalore, core, kulmalm]
        '17;0': [log, oak, oaklog, egetræ]
        '17;1': [pine, pinelog, grantræ]
        '17;2': [birch, birchlog, birketræ]
        '17;3': [jungle, junglelog, jungletræ]
        '18;0': [appleleaf, appleleaves, leaf, leaves, oakleaf, oakleaves, egeblade]
        '18;1': [pineleaf, pineleaves, granblade]
        '18;2': [birchleaf, birchleaves, birkeblade]
        '18;3': [jungleleaf, jungleleaves, jungleblade]
        '19;0': [sponge, swamp]
        '20;0': [glass, glas]
        '21;0': [lapislazuliore, lapisore, llore]
        '22;0': [lapisblock, lapislazuliblock, lblock, llblock, lapis lazuli-malm ]
        '23;0': [dispenser, automat]
        '24;0': [sandstone, sstone, sandsten]
        '25;0': [musicblock, noteblock, jukeboks]
        '27;0': [boosterrail, boosterrails, brail, btrack, poweredrail, poweredrails, prail, ptrack,  ]
        '28;0': [detectorrail, detectorrails, drail, dtrack]
        '29;0': [spiston, stickypiston]
        '30;0': [web]
        '31;0': [tallgrass, wildgrass]
        '32;0': [deadshrub, desertgrass, deserttallgrass, deserttree]
        '33;0': [piston]
        '35;0': [cloth, whitecloth, whitewool, wool]
        '35;1': [orangecloth, orangewool]
        '35;2': [magentacloth, magentawool]
        '35;3': [lightbluecloth, lightbluewool]
        '35;4': [yellowcloth, yellowwool]
        '35;5': [lightgreencloth, lightgreenwool, limecloth, limewool]
        '35;6': [pinkcloth, pinkwool]
        '35;7': [graycloth, graywool]
        '35;8': [lightgraycloth, lightgraywool, silvercloth, silverwool]
        '35;9': [cyancloth, cyanwool]
        '35;10': [purplecloth, purplewool]
        '35;11': [bluecloth, bluewool]
        '35;12': [browncloth, brownwool]
        '35;13': [darkgrencloth, darkgreenwool, greencloth, greenwool]
        '35;14': [redcloth, redwool]
        '35;15': [blackcloth, blackwool]
        '37;0': [dandelion, yellowflower]
        '38;0': [redflower, rose]
        '39;0': [brownmushroom]
        '40;0': [redmushroom]
        '41;0': [gblock, gold, goldblock]
        '42;0': [iblock, iron, ironblock]
        '43;0': [doubleslab, doublestep, doublestoneslab, doublestonestep]
        '43;1': [dsandslab, dsandstep, dsslab, dsstep]
        '43;2': [dwoodslab, dwoodstep, dwslab, dwstep]
        '43;3': [dcobbleslab, dcobblestep, dcslab, dcstep]
        '43;4': [dbrickslab, dbrickstep, dbslab, dbstep]
        '43;5': [dsbslab, dsbstep, dstonebrickslab, dstonebrickstep]
        '44;0': [slab, step, stoneslab, stonestep]
        '44;1': [sandslab, sandstep, sslab, sstep]
        '44;2': [woodslab, woodstep, wslab, wstep]
        '44;3': [cobbleslab, cobblestep, cslab, cstep]
        '44;4': [brickslab, brickstep, bslab, bstep]
        '44;5': [sbslab, sbstep, stonebrickslab, stonebrickstep]
        '45;0': [brickblock, brickwall]
        '46;0': [tnt]
        '47;0': [bookcase, bookshelf]
        '48;0': [moss, mossy, mossycobble, mossycobblestone]
        '49;0': [obsidian]
        '50;0': [torch]
        '51;0': [fire]
        '52;0': [mobspawner, spawner]
        '53;0': [woodstair, woodstairs, woodenstair, woodenstairs, wstair, wstairs]
        '54;0': [chest]
        '55;0': [redstoneblock]
        '56;0': [diamondore, dore]
        '57;0': [dblock, diamondblock]
        '58;0': [crafttable, workbench, worktable]
        '59;0': [cropblock, wheatblock]
        '60;0': [farm, farmground, soil]
        '61;0': [furnace]
        '62;0': [litfurnace]
        '63;0': [signblock]
        '64;0': [fencegate, wooddoorblock]
        '65;0': [ladder]
        '66;0': [rail, rails, track, tracks]
        '67;0': [cobblestairs, cobblestonestairs, cobstairs, cstair, cstairs]
        '68;0': [signblocktop]
        '69;0': [lever]
        '70;0': [rockplate, rockpressureplate, stoneplate, stonepressureplate]
        '71;0': [irondoorblock]
        '72;0': [woodenplate, woodenpressureplate, woodplate, woodpressureplate]
        '73;0': [redstoneore, rore]
        '74;0': [glowingredstoneore, glowingrore, redstoneorelit, rorelit]
        '75;0': [redstonetorchoff, rtorchoff]
        '76;0': [redstonetorch, rtorch]
        '77;0': [button]
        '78;0': [snow, sne]
        '79;0': [ice, is]
        '80;0': [snowblock, sneblok]
        '81;0': [cactus, cacti, kaktus]
        '82;0': [clayblock]
        '83;0': [reedblock]
        '84;0': [jukebox, jukeboks]
        '85;0': [fence, hegn]
        '86;0': [pumpkin, græskar]
        '87;0': [bloodstone, brimstone, hellsand, netherrack, nethersand, netherstone, redsand]
        '88;0': [mud, slowsand, soulsand]
        '89;0': [glow, glowblock, glowstone, lightblock, lightstone, glødesten]
        '90;0': [portal, portalblock]
        '91;0': [jack, jackolantern, lantern, pumpkinlantern, pumpkintorch]
        '92;0': [cakeblock]
        '93;0': [diodeoff, repeateroff]
        '94;0': [diodeon, repeateron]
        '95;0': [aprilchest, foolchest, lockedchest, mysterychest]
        '96;0': [hatch, trapdoor]
        '97;0': [silverfish]
        '98;0': [dungeon, sbrick, stonebrick]
        '99;0': [bshroomcap, brownmushroomcap]
        '100;0': [redmushroomcap, rshroomcap]
        '101;0': [ibars, ironbars]
        '102;0': [glasspane, pane, window]
        '103;0': [melon]
        '104;0': [pstem, pumpkinstem]
        '105;0': [melonstem, mstem]
        '106;0': [vines]
        '107;0': [gate]
        '108;0': [brickstair, brickstairs, bstair, bstairs]
        '109;0': [sbstair, sbstairs, stonebrickstair, stonebstair, stonebstairs, stonebrickstairs]
        '110;0': [mycelium]
        '111;0': [lilypad]
        '112;0': [nbrick,netherbrick]
        '113;0': [nbrickfence, netherbrickfence, netherfence, nfence]
        '114;0': [nbrickstair, nbrickstairs, nbstair, nbstairs, netherbrickstair, netherbrickstairs]
        '115;0': [netherwartblock]
        '116;0': [enchanterblock, enchantmenttableblock, etableblock]
        '117;0': [brewerblock, brewingstandblock, brewstandblock, bstandblock]
        '118;0': [cauldronblock]
        '119;0': [endportal, eportal]
        '120;0': [endportalframe, epframe, eportalframe]
        '121;0': [endstone, estone]
        '122;0': [deggblock, dragoneggblock]
        '256;0': [ironshovel, ishovel]
        '257;0': [ipick, ipickaxe, ironpick, ironpickaxe]
        '258;0': [iaxe, ironaxe]
        '259;0': [fands, firestarter, flintandsteel, lighter]
        '260;0': [apple, æble]
        '261;0': [bow, bue]
        '262;0': [arrow, pil]
        '263;0': [coal, kul]
        '263;1': [charcoal]
        '264;0': [diamond]
        '265;0': [iingot, ironbar, ironingot, ]
        '266;0': [gingot, goldbar, goldingot]
        '267;0': [ironsword, isword, jernsværd]
        '268;0': [woodsword, woodensword, wsword, træsværd]
        '269;0': [woodshovel, wshovel, træskovl]
        '270;0': [woodenpick, woodenpickaxe, woodpick, woodpickaxe, wpick, wpickaxe, træhakke]
        '271;0': [waxe, woodaxe, woodenaxe, træøkse]
        '272;0': [ssword, stonesword]
        '273;0': [sshovel, stoneshovel]
        '274;0': [spick, spickaxe, stonepick, stonepickaxe]
        '275;0': [saxe, stoneaxe]
        '276;0': [diamondsword, dsword]
        '277;0': [diamondshovel, dshovel]
        '278;0': [diamondpick, diamondpickaxe, dpick, dpickaxe]
        '279;0': [daxe, diamondaxe]
        '280;0': [stick]
        '281;0': [bowl]
        '282;0': [mushroomsoup, mushroomstew, soup, stew]
        '283;0': [goldsword, gsword]
        '284;0': [goldshovel, gshovel]
        '285;0': [goldpick, goldpickaxe, gpick, gpickaxe]
        '286;0': [gaxe, goldaxe]
        '287;0': [string]
        '288;0': [feather]
        '289;0': [gunpowder, sulfur]
        '290;0': [whoe, woodenhoe, woodhoe]
        '291;0': [shoe, stonehoe]
        '292;0': [ihoe, ironhoe]
        '293;0': [dhoe, diamondhoe]
        '294;0': [ghoe, goldhoe]
        '295;0': [seed, seeds]
        '296;0': [wheat]
        '297;0': [bread]
        '298;0': [leatherhelm, leatherhelmet, lhelm, lhelmet]
        '299;0': [lchest, leatherchest, leathershirt, lshirt]
        '300;0': [leatherleggings, leatherpants, lleggings, lpants]
        '301;0': [lboots, leatherboots, leathershoes, lshoes]
        '302;0': [chainhelm, chainhelmet, chelm, chelmet]
        '303;0': [cchest, chainchest, chainshirt, cshirt]
        '304;0': [chainpants, cpants]
        '305;0': [cboots, chainboots, cshoes, chainshoes]
        '306;0': [ihelm, ihelmet, ironhelm, ironhelmet]
        '307;0': [ichest, ironchest, ironshirt, ishirt]
        '308;0': [ileggings, ipants, ironleggings, ironpants]
        '309;0': [iboots, ironboots, ironshoes, ishoes]
        '310;0': [dhelm, dhelment, diamondhelm, diamondhelmet]
        '311;0': [dchest, diamondchest, diamondshirt, dshirt]
        '312;0': [diamondleggings, diamondpants, dleggings, dpants]
        '313;0': [dboots, diamondboots, diamondshoes, dshoes]
        '314;0': [ghelm, ghelmet, goldhelm, goldhelmet]
        '315;0': [gchest, goldchest, goldshirt, gshirt]
        '316;0': [gleggings, goldleggins, goldpants, gpants]
        '317;0': [gboots, goldboots, goldshoes, gshoes]
        '318;0': [flint]
        '319;0': [pork, porkchop]
        '320;0': [cookedpork, cookedporkchop]
        '321;0': [painting]
        '322;0': [gapple, goldapple, goldenapple]
        '323;0': [sign]
        '324;0': [wdoor, wooddoor, woddendoor]
        '325;0': [bucket]
        '326;0': [waterbucker, wbucket]
        '327;0': [lavabucket, lbucket]
        '328;0': [cart, minecart]
        '329;0': [saddle]
        '330;0': [idoor, irondoor]
        '331;0': [rdust, redstone, redstonedust, rsdust]
        '332;0': [snowball]
        '333;0': [boat]
        '334;0': [hide, leather]
        '335;0': [mbucket, milkbucket]
        '336;0': [brick]
        '337;0': [clay]
        '338;0': [bamboo, reed, sugarcane]
        '339;0': [paper]
        '340;0': [book]
        '341;0': [slimeorb]
        '342;0': [scart, sminecart, storagecart, storageminecart]
        '343;0': [pcart, pminecart, poweredcart, poweredminecart]
        '344;0': [egg]
        '345;0': [compass]
        '346;0': [fishingpole, fishingrod, pole, rod]
        '347;0': [clock, watch]
        '348;0': [gdust, glowdust, gsdust, glowstonedust, ldust, lightstonedust, lsdust, lightdust]
        '349;0': [fish]
        '350;0': [cookedfish, filet]
        '351;0': [black, blackdye, ink, inksac, inksack]
        '351;1': [red, reddye, rosered]
        '351;2': [cactusgreen, green, greendye]
        '351;3': [brown, browndye, cocoabeans]
        '351;4': [blue, bluedye, lapis, lapislazuli]
        '351;5': [purple, purpledye]
        '351;6': [cyan, cyandye]
        '351;7': [lightgray, lightgraydye, lightgrey, lightgreydye, silver, silverdye]
        '351;8': [gray, graydye, grey, greydye]
        '351;9': [pink, pinkdye]
        '351;10': [lime, limedye]
        '351;11': [dandelionyellow, yellow, yellowdye]
        '351;12': [lightblue, lightbluedye, skyblue, skybluedye]
        '351;13': [magenta, magentadye]
        '351;14': [orange, orangedye]
        '351;15': [bonemeal, white, whitedye]
        '352;0': [bone]
        '353;0': [sugar]
        '354;0': [cake]
        '355;0': [bed]
        '356;0': [diode, repeater]
        '357;0': [cookie]
        '358;0': [map]
        '359;0': [scissors, shears]
        '360;0': [melonslice, mslice]
        '361;0': [pseed, pseeds, pumpkinseed, pumpkinseeds]
        '362;0': [melonseed, melonseeds, mseed, mseeds]
        '363;0': [beef, rawbeef]
        '364;0': [cookedbeef, steak]
        '365;0': [chicken, rawchicken]
        '366;0': [cookedchicken]
        '367;0': [rottenflesh]
        '368;0': [enderpearl]
        '369;0': [blazerod]
        '370;0': [ghasttear]
        '371;0': [goldnugget]
        '372;0': [netherwart]
        '373;0': [waterbottle, wbottle]
        '373;16': [awkwardpotion]
        '373;32': [thickpotion]
        '373;64': [mundanepotionext]
        '373;8192': [mundanepotion]
        '373;8193': [egeneration]
        '373;8257': [regenerationext]
        '373;8225': [regeneration2]
        '373;8194': [swiftness]
        '373;8258': [swiftnessext]
        '373;8226': [swiftness2]
        '373;8195': [fireresistance]
        '373;8259': [fireresistanceext]
        '373;8197': [healing]
        '373;8229': [healing2]
        '373;8201': [strength]
        '373;8265': [strengthext]
        '373;8233': [strength2]
        '373;8196': [poison]
        '373;8260': [poisonext]
        '373;8228': [poison2]
        '373;8200': [weakness]
        '373;8264': [weaknessext]
        '373;8202': [slowness]
        '373;8266': [slownessext]
        '373;8204': [harming]
        '373;8236': [harming2]
        '373;16384': [splashmundanepotion]
        '373;16385': [splashregeneration]
        '373;16449': [splashregenerationext]
        '373;16417': [splashregeneration2]
        '373;16386': [splashswiftness]
        '373;16450': [splashswiftnessext]
        '373;16418': [splashswiftness2]
        '373;16387': [splashfireresistance]
        '373;16451': [splashfireresistanceext]
        '373;16389': [splashhealing]
        '373;16421': [splashhealing2]
        '373;16393': [splashstrength]
        '373;16457': [splashstrengthext]
        '373;16425': [splashstrength2]
        '373;16388': [splashpoison]
        '373;16452': [splashpoisonext]
        '373;16420': [splashpoison2]
        '373;16392': [splashweakness]
        '373;16456': [splashweaknessext]
        '373;16394': [splashslowness]
        '373;16458': [splashslownessext]
        '373;16396': [splashharming]
        '373;16428': [splashharming2]
        '374;0': [bottle, gbottle, glassbottle]
        '375;0': [spidereye]
        '376;0': [fermentedspidereye, fse, fspidereye]
        '377;0': [blazepower, bpowder]
        '378;0': [magmacream, mcream]
        '379;0': [brewer, brewing, brewingstand, bstand]
        '380;0': [cauldron]
        '381;0': [endereye, eyeofender]
        '382;0': [glisteringmelon, gmelon]
        '383;0': [spawnegg, spawneregg]
        '383;50': [creepegg, creeperegg]
        '383;51': [skelegg, skeletonegg]
        '383;52': [spiegg, spidegg, spideregg]
        '383;54': [zombegg, zombieegg]
        '383;55': [slimeegg]
        '383;56': [ghastegg]
        '383;57': [zombiepigmanegg, zompigegg, zpegg]
        '383;58': [endegg, enderegg, endermanegg]
        '383;59': [cavespideregg, csegg, cspiegg]
        '383;60': [sfegg, silveregg, silverfishegg]
        '383;61': [begg, blazeegg]
        '383;62': [magmaegg, magmacubeegg, mcegg, mcubeegg]
        '383;90': [pegg, pigegg]
        '383;91': [segg, sheepegg]
        '383;92': [cegg, cowegg]
        '383;93': [chegg, chickenegg]
        '383;94': [sqegg, squegg, squidegg]
        '383;95': [wegg, wolfegg]
        '383;96': [megg, mooshegg, mooshroomegg]
        '383;98': [oegg, ocelotegg]
        '383;120': [vegg, villageregg]
        '2256;0': [thirteen, yellowdisc, yellowrecord]
        '2257;0': [cat, greendisc, greenrecord]
        '2258;0': [blocks, orangedisc, orangerecord]
        '2258;0': [chirp, reddisc, redrecord]
        '2258;0': [far, limedisc, limerecord]
        '2258;0': [mall, purpledisc, purplerecord]
        '2258;0': [mellohi, pinkdisc, pinkrecord]
        '2258;0': [blackdisc, blackrecord, stall]
        '2258;0': [strad, whitedisc, whiterecord]
        '2258;0': [ward]
        '2258;0': [eleven, torndisc, tornrecord]
  24. Offline


    Bambinitryl.dk, try chaning "comparator: r" to "compator: k" option in config.yml.

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