- Usernames

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Syn_Sandcrawler, Nov 10, 2013.

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    Hello Bukkit community,

    so iam not really sure if this is the right forum for it, but i had a little problem when registering a bukkitdev account. I wanted to choose the name "Syn_Sandcrawler" as i did for but it told me "Invalid input". I tried several other names using a underline (_) and it didn't worked.

    Usually i would be sure that it's just not allowed to have an _ in a name, but as i saw other accounts containing underlines so i was wondering. Did i made any misstake? :confused:

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Offline


    This issue has been resolved on IRC.

    Resolution: It seems you can no longer create accounts containing _ in them on Curse.
  3. Offline


    Underscores are for instagram! You go Curse!
  4. Offline


    My MC username has _ but since dev doesn't allow, that is why I have my name is together
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