Detecting if the bow is knocked

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Murderscene, Sep 21, 2012.

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    I want to be able to detect if the player has the bow in the knocked position or not.

    I have not been able to find a way to do this with bukkit events but I am sure there is a way to do it with detecting the packet that is sent.

    You can visually see when a player knocks a bow and even how far into the knock they are, so I know packets are being sent.

    Any help would be great :)

    Extra note:
    I cannot use playerInteract and just put a timer until when it would be knocked for the following reason: I would have detect the playerInteract event as the start of the bow-knock and the shootArrow as the end of the bow-knock. The problem here is that if the player right clicks and releases very quickly, no shootArrow event is called and my sever would think the player is still knocking.
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    Would anyone atleast know the packet that is being sent when the player model is updated to the bow knocking position?
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  4. Offline


    Thanks, I also found this shortly before you posted :). Unfortunately I have no idea how to tap into this packet. Is there anywhere that can show me how to make it call a method in my bukkit plugin when this packet is received?
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