
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheSkeletonSK, Jul 3, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Teleportation. Admin.

    Suggested name: DenyWorldTp
    (im open to plugin name sugestions, since i bet you guys can make a better name)

    What I want: A plugin that prevents cross world teleportation from any other plugins. I request this because i use the Duties plugin, and dont want those in dutymode to tp across world, due to my multiworld inventory configuration. I know that there are ways to preent inventory bugs and issues by correctly configuring multiverse-inventories and duties, but i cannot prevent the possibilty of inventory lossage due to server restarts. I want this plugin to handle it with permissions and include a permission to restrict teleportation to worlds other than the current one. i also want the users to be able to teleport around inside the world they are currently in.
    teleportation over crossworld that i want stopped via the perm include: warp, bring/call, tp, and mv tp.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    permissions: - only allows teleportation inside the players current world

    When I'd like it by: Got it~
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    This would not be version specific, I think, so 1.5.2 and 1.6.1 would work off the same code.

    Also, this should be rather simple stuff.
    Just listening for the PlayerTeleportEvent, check if event.getFrom().getWorld().equals(event.getTo().getWorld()) and, if they are different, check for the permission. No permission? Cancel the event.

    I'd write up the code, but I already have a request filled that involves untested code, and I if I don't have what I need to do that one right I certainly don't have what I need to make them both right...

    Aaaayway, I'm sure someone will swoop by and SHAZAM this plugin for you.
    Consider this a friendly bump if nothing else :)
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    i am rather confident that some one will help me since its supposedly simple.~
    Good luck on that request :3
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    They cannot change worlds while in dutymode, because once a player uses dutymode, this permission that removes the ability to teleport between worlds is applied. If the player wants to change worlds, they would have to go out of dutymode to do so.
    here is the duties plugin for more information on how i might use this plugin, if it is made: requested this plugin so that my moderators and creators can go into dutymode for moderative purposes, without having to worry about losing their stuff because of multiworld inventories due to them switching worlds, and dutymode accidentally overwriting the survival inventory. i want my moderators and such to be able to have the ability to have moderator permissions, but still be able to play the game in survival with less chance of being seduced by the temptation to use moderator permissions to help them out.
    also, this plugin would also make it easier for people who arent good at configuring Duties and Multiworld inventory-like plugins to work together, can simply have this, and not have to worry about it.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    TheSkeletonSK So just so that I get it right: They get the perm when they are in duty mode, and everybody with that perm is not allowed to go to another world?
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    yes. and when they unduty themselves, the permission is removed.
    allowing them once again, to teleport between worlds.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I am grateful that someone tried to make me the plugin, however im afraid it is not working as expected.

    1: the plugin.yml in the plugin had an invalid value for "default:" which was set to none, which threw an error with the permission once it was loaded into the server.

    2: this plugin only seems to disallow teleportation within the world that the player is currently in. I wanted it to disable the users ability to teleport to all worlds that the player is currently NOT in. However, teleportation within the SAME world should still be possible.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Perfect~ thanks alot :3
    ill be sure to bump this thread if i get any more issues, not that i think there will be any~
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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