Dedicated Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Toxic__Waste, Jan 5, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I recently rented a dedicated server and yes its bad ass compared to vps or any hosting company
    Its up and running beautifully there is one question i wanted to ask..
    I stop and start the server via ssh shell (putty) and i also use webby now if I was to close the the putty it also closes minecraft the server is there a way to run the minecraft server on the dedi machine without having the putty to stay open on my comp(I would like to restart my comp from time to time and it would close the server ) thx
  2. Offline


    Install screen

    Screen -R screenName

    CTRL + D to get out of screen.

    Screen -r screenName to get back.

    Removed the C from your keyboard. Its evil.
  3. Offline


    wtf lol I do this in the putty window and it will run the server if its closed
  4. Offline


    He was saying you need to install a program called screen. I personally use byobu for my servers.
  5. Offline


    ok so i install the screen and run the server through the sceen and i can shut putty down and turn my comp off and the screen will still run
  6. Offline


    As long as the server is still running, yes.
  7. Offline


    take a look at mineos or mineos plus,it's tinycore.There you have webgui,for starting and stopping server,and a lot's really fast and reliable.grub aswell =) i run it on a temporary machine,waiting for better hardware,it runs on a p4 3.4ghz 1gb ram and an old sata hdd,and we were 4 people on and no lag..sounds like im working for mineos lol
  8. Offline


    i just read up on screen thx lax the screen was already installed so i opened the putty and type in screen and then did the cd (linktoserverroot) and then ran the start up script then did ctrl a and then ctrl d it detached the screen and then i closed putty and the server is still running i was able to finally restart my computer after 4 days and when it came back up i started putty and typed screen -r and there was the server still running perfectly thx problem solved
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