Damage Player with specified DamageCause?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrAndeos, Apr 10, 2018.

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    I need to damage a Player and set the DamageCause to SUICIDE, currently i have this:
    1. Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new EntityDamageEvent(player, DamageCause.SUICIDE, 1.0));

    And this doesn't work, it doesn't damage the player. How I can make this work?
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    There is currently no way to directly set the damage cause while inflicting damage. However, you can do the following:
    1. Use Player#damage(amount) to damage the entity.
    2. After that, store the damaged player's instance somewhere outside of the method. This will be used to detect if a player 'committed suicide'
    3. Create a new listener for EntityDamageEvent. Set its priority equal to HIGHEST so it is triggered first.
    4. In it, check if the player's instance from #2 is equal to the player from the event.
    5. If so, set the DamageCause to SUICIDE and set the player's instance from #2 to null.
    MrAndeos likes this.
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    Ok, but how I can set the DamageCause? I don't see any method for this in EntityDamageEvent.
    RcExtract likes this.
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    @MrAndeos me neither but the first part of @Zombie_Striker solution should do it. Which part in you code needs to know what kind of damage a player received? What's the greater purpose of SUICIDE?
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    I need to set DamageCause to have a correct death message in other plugin.
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    If you dont have source code of the other plugin you should maybe contact the aithor. I dont think its possible to achieve this woth another plugin
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